Sunday, December 16, 2007

[The Wisdom of a Distracted Mind] Sunday?!?

So, how was everyone's weekend?

Did anyone end up in jail? Was there a car chase and a shootout?

Really, you guys should at least try to keep yourselves out of trouble. I mean, people could get hurt because of your crazy antics, and though you and I are still good friends, I just want you to know how disappointed I am with you at the moment.

No. Don't look at me like that.

I'm not the one who woke up thinking it would be a good idea to rob that bank.

Yes. I know Christmas presents are expensive. Trust me, though, I'm glad you didn't get caught, but really, I think you should lay low at least until the new year.

Now that that's all settled, how the hell are you?


Posted By Dan to The Wisdom of a Distracted Mind at 12/16/2007 08:18:00 PM


  1. Everything's ok here except you hogging all that snow, you'd better not be greedy on christmas day we all want a white christmas.

  2. A car chase here on Sunday would have consisted of two cars swerving through several inches of slushy snow, at about 15 mph. Definitely not "Bullitt"-type stuff. If anyone wants snow in their whereabouts, I'd be happy to send it their way! It's only December...arrrrrgh.


  3. I rolled over my SUV...not sure how many times though? Amazingly, I seem to be ok. I do not recommend you do this however...I'd much rather stick to roller coasters.
