Monday, April 7, 2008

[The Wisdom of a Distracted Mind] Wilson!!!

So, are you feeling a little too lazy to jump out of a perfectly good boat and allow yourself to wash up on the beach like a piece of driftwood or Tom Hanks?

Well, fret not. Today's picture's got you covered:

Good morning!

See? It's kind of nice waking up on the beach. Just, you know, don't be too eager to take a dip... After all, this is Wisconsin, and the water is still somewhere around 36 degrees.

Still... It's nice to look at.

Now... Go learn how to make fire, and watch out for polar bears.


Posted By Dan to The Wisdom of a Distracted Mind at 4/07/2008 07:51:00 AM


  1. great pick nice how the sun is sinking in the background

  2. It's beautiful.  I can just imagine it, feel it even the cold.  Bundled up would be preferable, albeit I bet the cold keeps most of the people away and that is a plus.

  3. ... is it okay to request a photo of your ..?  I really would like this one for myself ...

  4. Really, aside from the great pictures... why get up that early?  It's cold, the birds scream at you.  Sleep in a few hours once and a while!
