Tuesday, April 22, 2008

[The Wisdom of a Distracted Mind] Bark... bark-bark...

Not having all that dandy of a morning here. I think I've been over-doing things with my random picture-taking walking excursions, and now, everything once again hurts like bloody hell.

So, I'm going to be a bum today. But, I wanted to post today's picture before I ramble off into my inconvenient decrepitude.

Just a crow.

Yeah... It's nothing terribly fancy (a longer lens and a little more planning would have made it better), but I kind of dig the way the light plays on the crow's feathers and how the trees are blurred to the point where it's hard to tell if they are foreground or background objects.

As for the crow itself, I don't know why, but those birds have always fascinated me. I know lots of folks claim to hate them, but when asked, they can never give you a good reason why. For instance, the ex-girlfriend/girlfriend and I were having lunch once, and in between bites of her medium rare cheeseburger, she remarked that crows are "gross" because they eat dead animals and roadkill.

Yeah. I kind of giggled at that. I mean, as smart as she is, it's pretty cute when she misses a glaringly obvious point sometimes.

I think people hate them for no other reason than the fact that they've been told to hate them. And, I think that's a large part of what it wrong with the world today. Yes. It's convenient and easy to rely on the opinions of others, but it is much more important and rewarding to gather your own information and make up your own mind.


Posted By Dan to The Wisdom of a Distracted Mind at 4/22/2008 09:25:00 AM


  1. ... that is so true what you said about how people form opinions based on what others think ... they miss how something affects their lives, let someone tells them how it affects them, then they stress when they have to deal with something on their own terms ...

  2. Actually, crows and turkey vultures and such, perform a service in our society, really.........  but hey, if she prefers to eat dead animals that've been cooked, oh well:)  What's up with you and her lately, anyway, or ??

    Yep, cool lighting on the wingtips there.
