Friday, April 18, 2008

[The Wisdom of a Distracted Mind] The Toll of The Shake...

As you can see, this morning's earthquake caused some pretty severe damage. And, of course I'm not going to be able to get my insurance to cough up any dough for my damages. And, do you know why?

Do you?

Because I don't have earthquake insurance!

Now, I've got to go out and actually buy a new flower pot.

In all honesty, this thing was pretty trashed to begin with since, like a dope, I left it out all winter. So I really can't tell if this was caused by the earthquake or if a fly dropped by to decided that this flower pot would be a great place to take a leak and watch the world spin.

Still, it's the point of it all...

Aside from that, I know my buddy John --who, as a child, grew up drooling upon the twitchy earth of Los Angeles-- will probably read this and laugh. And, to him I say, do you have earthquake insurance for your little abode up there in Manitowoc, John? Do you? Huh? So, don't come crying to me when your flowerpots wind up trashed like this.



Posted By Dan to The Wisdom of a Distracted Mind at 4/18/2008 10:48:00 PM


  1.    The scary truth is that most of us folks out here in California don't carry earthquake insurance.  Between the  fact that it's very expensive, it has rediculously high deductibles, and our property values are sinking like a boulder out here,  we prefer to stick our head in the sand and pretend that The Big One is just like the Loch Ness Monster or Big Foot ... It's just never gonna put in an appearance.   Thank goodness the weather is nice here.  That will come in mighty handy when we are all living in tents.   Tina

  2. I just posted...I didn't wake up at all? Can't believe it. I was out on my deck this evening but didn't notice anything? I'll check again tomorrow.
