Tuesday, April 1, 2008

[The Wisdom of a Distracted Mind] Have We Really Come This Far?!?

I just saw a commercial on TV for frozen pizza. It looked like a good pizza, and maybe I'd buy it because sexy people were eating it, and I want sexy people to eat frozen pizza in my kitchen with me as we laugh and have fun. But, the thing is: the pizza comes pre-sliced.

Who do they think they're helping with this feature?

I mean, is it too much work out of your sexy life running a pizza cutter across your pizza? Is it too technical for sexy people? Are the sexy people out there really that freakin' stupid?

It's madness, I say!


Posted By Dan to The Wisdom of a Distracted Mind at 4/01/2008 06:30:00 AM


  1. And, what about those who want theee whole pie?

    Those pre-sliced things just have the cheese melt and converge upon each others "slice," anyway, and the slicing doesn't always, well, go all the way through.......  at least, with delivery.  I've never had a pre-sliced, frozen pizza.  Then again, I suppose it means I could heat up just one slice at a time?  I could portion it?  Hmmm, now if THAT is the case, then that would be the only reason to have it pre-sliced.  Just stick a frozen slice in my daughter's lunch, she could put it in the oven at school (she has a kitchen she can use), and wham, she gets hot pizza for lunch.....

    and in theory, while she's there, those sexy people could join me in my kitchen?   Eh, that'd be crowded.

  2. They make it so the kids can throw a piece in the micro to eat because mom and daddy aren't coming home on time

  3. no dang cutter to wash-I say the word of the day is 'simplify' YES...............
