Saturday, April 19, 2008

[The Wisdom of a Distracted Mind] Eeesh!

You know, I like Christians. I know some ridiculously kind and friendly ones; however, unfortunately, I also encounter some bat-shit crazy ones as well. Take this guy, for instance. He and I have been swapping emails back and forth for a short time in a discussion as to whether or not America should be considered a Christian nation and how Christians, these days, are generally a rather intolerant herd.

His response:
"America is a Christian Nation and the biggest proof of our tolerance is that we allow the muslims and jews and pagans and atheists to live here."
Really... How does one even respond to something like that? I mean, part of me wants to send this kind, Christian overlord a fruit basket so as to thank him for allowing me my place in this nation.

However, another part of me wants to find the sheep-farm responsible for force-feeding this gibberish to this poor potatohead and burn it to the ground.

Perhaps the most striking thing in all of this is that this is quite telling of a much larger problem in America. And, that problem is that our educational system is crumbling faster than we can comprehend.

The history of America is a very important one; however, somewhere in this poor man's upbringing, the educational system failed miserably, and reality was replaced by a fear-based mythology which promotes elitism and entitlement. This Christian by convenience wants to feel special in spite of the this nation's laws and the very principles upon which this nation was founded. He wants his beliefs to be above our history and laws, and he wants ME to bow down to him and believe that I am a citizen solely at the discretion of himself and those who share his beliefs.

It's a petty and very empty threat built around a delusion and tightly wrapped up in a whole big bundle of crazy and topped off with a shiny card reading "With Love."

So, I guess the fruit basket would probably be the way to go, huh? I mean, these people are scary.


Posted By Dan to The Wisdom of a Distracted Mind at 4/19/2008 11:29:00 AM


  1. ... you know, if you weren't so hot about this, I could get MY thoughts together ..! LOL ..!

    ... I would like to say I am on your side, but certainly not as intense ... I know a few very good Christians, and all religous movements have had their 'dark periods' and they have areas where the light of reason doesn't reach ... can't help that, but what makes me wonder and seize up, is the apathy of folks like, say MYSELF and others, who don't do anything when the small brained folks get out, do the walking and protestin' and actually elected nimrods, bankroll crap movies, and the like ...

  2. Oh please let me answer this one...I suppose I should be thankful for the Christian genocide of my people when they first came to this country. Now I know who to thank for the degregation of America - Since Christians want to claim this country, I should be blaming them for outsourcing jobs to China and India feeding our hard earned money into those countries instead of our own. If Christians were so understanding why is it diversity is frowned upon? Is there some Jesus pool we forgot to wade in?

    I'm sorry this guy isn't a Christian, I've had friends who are and they DON'T judge me a charlatan for being different. Ugh..sorry about that, your right this guy is so far in left field he wouldn't recognize right if you pointed it out to him. (Hugs) Indigo
