Friday, March 7, 2008

[The Wisdom of a Distracted Mind] Weird.... With a Little Crazy.

As I was eating a healthy breakfast of Mike and Ike's, I was perusing some story on AOL about the Grand Canyon being older than what was previously believed, and, like an idiot, I stumbled into the comments section to see what people were saying. After all, for some reason, the Grand Canyon is a pretty contentious thing in the eternal battle between science and religion. For example, science says that the canyon was carved out over millions and millions of years as a result of river water. Religion says it took about a month and a half a couple of thousand years ago.

Personally, I'm with science on this one.

However, one of the comments really rattled my head. As I read it, I developed a spastic twitch as I felt like I had clam chowder seeping from my ears. I... I just couldn't process it. I needed help. Read for yourselves (and this is an actual comment. I am not making this up).
[He or she] wanted to know why we have appendix and why we have so much trouble with our spines, and why do we have a "tail" bone? Well, why do books have appendix?

We have trouble with our spines because we sit in front of computers all day, and tail bone?. It is not a tail bone, that name came from man. Our tail bone is a solid peice of bone which is attached to the low back which is attached to the thoracic which is attached to the cervical which is attached to the head. Use your brain people, all creation has tail bones and spines. If we don't treat them right they don't work right. Oh, by the way, has man ever created blood that is the sustainer of life? Never will either.

Now, I had to do a bit of editing here for coherence. It wasn't much. I just added a carriage return to separate the crazy (the bold bit) from the mindless (the not so bold bit).

The scary thing is that, to this person, this whole argument makes a hell of a lot of sense. It's what they were taught, and to them, it is the absolute truth. And, though I don't have any problem with he or she believing this insanity, the thing that really bothers me is that they will one day grow up, have children, and do what they can to try and teach this crazy to their kids.

Nonetheless, one thing is certain: I really do need to stay away from the comment section in the AOL News stories. It's like a shiny, happy parade in Crazy Town, and it makes the head spin.

Anyway, if anyone like to counter the above argument, please feel free to do so in the comments. Just remember one thing: Bring your crazy! And, bring it all, people.

For what it's worth, I think if I ever come down with appendicitis, I'm going to throw every book in my house away and save myself having to go through that annoying surgery.


Posted By Dan to The Wisdom of a Distracted Mind at 3/07/2008 10:18:00 AM


  1. logic is wasted on the hard of understanding.


  2. "has man ever created blood that is the sustainer of life?"

    <snort> Who was this commenter, Lestat de Lioncourt? What about the heart that pumps said blood? Hey, we've made artificial hearts! Also, we actually ARE working on artificial hemoglobin.

    Whenever I read an AOL news story, I start reading a couple of comments, and then think, "What am I doing?!" Most of the journals I read renew my faith in the intelligence of average folks...reading the comments on the AOL news stories makes me think we're all in big trouble.


  3. We are only born with a certain amount of craziness don't lose it.

  4. I try to avoid the comments section of ANY news story.  The geniuses at our local news station have added a comment section to all stories.  Holy hell, who knew what kind of close minded, idiotic, the-hills-have-eyes-esk people lived in this area.  Seriously, leaving the house has become based on life or death only.  ;)
