Wednesday, March 19, 2008

[The Wisdom of a Distracted Mind] Let there be soap!

Please allow me a moment of miserable domestication...

This is my favorite soap dispenser. I keep it in my kitchen, and it absolutely rocks --as much as a bar of soap can rock at least.

You see... What you start with is a little magnetic coin-sized thing with very pointy teeth. Then, you cram the toothy little bit into a bar of soap and stick it on the little hanger that's shaped inconspicuously like a faucet. However, the best part comes when the soap is all gone. I've had people ask me what that "other" faucet was for, and my prompt response was to tell them that's where the magic vodka comes from.

Now, I think I picked this thing up at Ikea (maybe even the same shopping excursion where I landed a couple of cardboard clocks), but don't hold me to that.


Posted By Dan to The Wisdom of a Distracted Mind at 3/19/2008 10:45:00 AM


  1. Where did you get that thing, Dan. Everytime I put a new bar of soap in the shower and either try to pick it up or put it back on the wire caddy, it slips off the rack and I have to do this silly dance like I'm walking on coals to make sure the soap fdoesn't break a tootsie or two. Maybe I need soap on a rope....does anyone make that any more?

  2. Tee?  You're a girl.  You're supposed to use some sort of exotic-smelling body gorp with one of those fluffy little poof things.  What the hell are you doing handling a manly bar of soap?



  3. It would drive me to distraction, making sure the soap was straight everyday.
    Gaz ;-)
