Monday, March 10, 2008

[The Wisdom of a Distracted Mind] It's the brain that's funny...


A short time ago, I sat down to do some continuing work on a book I've been writing, and well... the second my eyes hit the beaming monitor to see the annoying cursor blinking endlessly into oblivion, my brain just utterly clamped down, and I knew that even trying to describe something as common as a wet noodle was going to be absolutely impossible.

I don't know why this struggle seems to have shown up, and I figure babbling here may help bust through this shell of my own creative apprehensions, but I don't know. I'm just not in the mood. I'm completely uninspired. In fact, it's not entirely unlike someone spent the last several hours slapping me in the face with a cold, wet sponge every time I tried to chatter out a single, freakin' sentence.

Yup. My brain is like a rusty old truck with a bad clutch lurching its way down a road of thick mud...

Enough of the similes. It's getting old like... Abe Vigoda.


I think a lot of my problems are the simple fact that, even though I bitch about the weather every... damn... day, I do think that this winter has just sucked the last bit of patience right out of me. In other words, a good mood is a rare thing, and I just want a warm day in which to recharge the batteries that power those parts of my brain that are prone to wander in odd, and sometimes creative, directions.

Don't worry, folks. If this post isn't making any sense, I think that's the point.

I think babbling can be fun. Then again, I may be close to the point of chiseling out some sort of twisted, maniacal, rambling manifesto whose nuttiness is right up there with Time Cube, Tom Cruise, the Unibomber, or Creationism.

On the other hand, I'm not nearly paranoid enough to unload a heap of insignificant fears upon the population. Sure, there are things that are out there trying to "get" me. For example, the girlfriend/ex-girlfriend comes to mind. However, most are harmless.

I suppose you could consider this to be a really stupid form of free writing. It's not entirely free in that I do have a tendency to over-censor my words to the point where most scribblings wind up to be utter gibberish. But, then again, tucked away somewhere inside this collection of mad rambling is a word, a phrase, or a sentence which I will read at some point in the future; I will think about it; then I will concoct a story around it.

To coin a phrase: This is how I brain, baby!

It's either this, or I go and stick my head in the oven like Sylvia Plath. Sure, my oven's electric, and I'd probably only wind up catching a nifty tan, but the end result isn't important.

Well, time to wrap this up and get back to my torture. My only request is that you remind yourselves that laughing is important.

So, avoid Dane Cook.

Peace out my crazy friends!



Posted By Dan to The Wisdom of a Distracted Mind at 3/10/2008 01:03:00 PM


  1. Wait...

    Did you just say Dane Cooks not funny?

  2. Dane Cook is roughly as funny as a case of salmonella.  


  3. Hi !!!!!!!

    I'm sorry that your not feeling low in spirits today I do hope that you get to feeling better. I do want you to know that I enjoy reading your entries they always seem to make me laugh or smile a lit bit more than I am at the moment.

    I am feeling pretty good these days. The weather in Atlanta, Georgia was pretty nice today and I can't say that I have any complaints today. I did read a pretty interesting book today and I finished it and I did enjoy the weather even though I had to work today.

    Your entry I have to say totally made sense to me and I have to say that your writing in your entries is totally inspiring. You know Spring is just around the corner and you may just find that the weather in your neck of the woods will warm up soon. So just wait it out things will change I know that for a fact.

  4. Awww...  Thanks Mush!  I'm glad to hear things are dandy in Atlanta.  Wish I was there sucking juleps out of a bucket.  

    Yup.  That could make me forget about all this snow.  :)


  5. Hey, at least you'll be warm in the oven and have time to reconsider the course of actions. ;)  Once we get a few days of warm air and sun, the brain block will remove itself.  I have the best ideas when I'm in between awake and sleep.  At least I think I do, all I remember by morning is that I had a kickass idea the night before.

  6. LOLOL...I'm with Jamie.  I get so many what seem to be excellent thoughts/ideas in the 'tween space...and have a helluva' time re-capturing them the next day.  I go through spurts where I'm sleepless because, I have to write it down.  An old friend of mine called me "Bits" for a while because, I have so many scraps of so many ideas on so many bits lying around.  Oy vay...;)  C.
