Tuesday, March 4, 2008

[The Wisdom of a Distracted Mind] Kitty Porn!

Don't worry... It's tasteful and artistic, I think.

Now, DogCat's been fixed, so all dirty kitty thoughts should be at a minimum. However, over the last couple of months, he's developed a rather intense, passionate and terribly codependent relationship with a fleece blanket on my couch. Seriously, when he isn't sleeping, he simply can't stand to be away from his precious blanket for more than a couple of hours at best. And, when ever I hear his banging at the front door, the first thing he does when I let him in is to charge straight to the couch to grab a corner of the cover in his mouth and proceed to mash the hell out of the poor blanket in a frenzy of purring and growling punctuated by the occasional whimper whenever he smashes his face in search of a new edge to gnaw on.

Once he's finished with his amorous little moment, he either leaps from the couch and heads to the kitchen to grab a bite to eat, or he heads down to the other end, rolls over, and goes to sleep with what I am assuming is a smile upon his face. No cuddling.

I like that.

I'm going to use that one of these days.

"I want to cuddle."
"Why not?"
"Cuddling doesn't occur in Nature."
"But, turkey sandwiches do!"

Umm.... Maybe not.

Anyway, I don't understand why my cat has become so caught in the seductive little web of a common, garden-variety, gray, fleece blanket. Fortunately, he's not attacking DeafCat. All she does is hiss and growl whenever she sees him in any other room of the house that isn't the kitchen. So, obviously, DogCat understands that no means no, and I'm proud of that. Then again, she also will spend an afternoon hissing at a dust bunny, so I have no idea what is going on in her head.

Still... It's pretty damn weird that it's only that blanket, and it has to be only at that end of the couch for it to be attractive. I don't get it, but I have long ago stopped trying to understand anything that cat does. I mean, he has more friends in this neighborhood than I do, and he doesn't even speak the freakin' language.

Ah well... If you look to the left, you'll see the pictures currently posted in my Flickr collection. I'm mostly just working on trying to learn how to take really awesome pictures with a really limited "point & shoot" camera. And, I do this because my idiot twin had to go out and buy a better camera than me. So, it's either this or I stab him and take his toys like the good old days.


P.S. No. I am so not looking forward to seeing what the title of this post drags in off the internet.


Posted By Dan to The Wisdom of a Distracted Mind at 3/04/2008 01:32:00 PM


  1. Ha, laughing at your p.s.  I think.  That could be bad.

    Ah, but he's such a pretty boy!  He actually is, and I'm glad he's not bothering DeafCat.

    My dog has a huge devotion to a small once pink once singing Easter bunny.  It's very maternalistic behavior, however, and Daisy even puts her "baby" by the water bowl, and more often, for brief periods of time in the little box (which she hasn't connected means I then toss "baby" in the laundry).

  2. Wow, eerie...before I read this entry, I had posted one about various things, and the last thing I wrote about was our cat checking his email, and that we think he IM's with our friends' cat, but we don't mind as long as they stay away from the "kitty porn." Is there something in the air??

    Our cat (Sheeba) is fixed, but he's got a thang for fleece blankets. He really gets going sometimes. We call it the Sex Blanket.


  3. Mmmm, kitty likes blankie.  ;)  I have a rabbit that will hump my husbands socks till dawn but no one else's sock.  I have heard of cats masturbating but it's usually the intact males.  CatDog must have some high testosterone.  At least DeafCat doesn't have to worry anytime soon.  She can continue her duel with the dust bunny without CatDog interfering.  
