Wednesday, March 5, 2008

[The Wisdom of a Distracted Mind] A New Me!


I think I look sufficiently crazed in my new profile picture. I just look all mad and shiny and, strangely enough, somewhat surprised. It's like I just saw a zombie eating a turkey pot pie or something.

Actually, truth be told, this is the exact look I had on my face when I was getting my haircut earlier today, and, for the first time in my entire 39 years of existence, I felt the clipper buzz gently upon the back of my ear.

What the hell was that? I thought. Did this hack of a barber just slip or something? I'm going to have a racing stripe carved into the side of my head if this keeps up.

However, when the clippers buzzed lovingly on my other ear, I knew that this wasn't a mistake. This is all part of this poor woman's task of making me less hairy. And, if she's cleaning up there, that can mean only one thing: I've got ear-hair!

Thankfully, it's not bad ear hair, as the stylist pointed out. It's actually a soft, downy sort of barely-visible fluff growing down the back of my ear, and fortunately, it's not growing into a small hedge on the inside of my ear as though I was some sort of furry old Greek man. I can actually handle a little fuzz back there. I mean, it won't keep me warm or anything, but it will give me something to gripe about from now until the day comes when someone comes up with the bright idea to put me into a home for my own good. And, as everyone knows, in that crowd, ear hair is seen as a sign of virility.

Aside from that silliness, how do you all like the picture?

The reason I ask is that I am not all that sure if I would like to keep it or not. I mean, the Schlitz thing was getting a little old, and I really think it is time for a change.

Well, it's getting late here, and I've got to be at the airport at six in the freakin' morning tomorrow. And no. I'm not traveling anywhere. I'm dropping my bastard twin off so that freakin' knob can catch a flight to sunny San Diego.

I hope he gets sun burned. And, since he doesn't have hairy ears, I hope he chars the little nuggets clean off.



Posted By Dan to The Wisdom of a Distracted Mind at 3/05/2008 09:48:00 PM


  1. Your picture, oddly enough--in spite of your trepidation, makes you look approachable. I'd keep it. You look like someone we'd have fun bowling and drinking beer with, although, you could keep the cheese (I'm a vegan--bad word to most people not from Seattle or California--ha!)
    As far as ear hair--hubby's 45 and is starting to get the peach fuzz thing going on, so I would say you get to relax at least another 6 years before it pervades and you're cruising the Wal-mart health and beauty aisle for ear hair trimmers.
    Just for kicks, imagine you're a woman in her early 40's, thinking you don't look too shabby, then you look closely in the mirror (never a good idea) and realize--you lost your tweezers! Any woman over 40 is feeling my pain! The little hairs on our chin and around our mouth...oy vey! God forbid hubby should feel romantic and want to run his hand over my face (of course, then I would immediately suspect what I have long suspected--alien life forms!)--we're talking severe tire damage here.
    Anyway, nice blog you have going--very honest, open...I'll check back from time to time.
    Enjoy the feel of the wind on the back of your neck. Ciao.
    Jo--owner of blog titled; "Absence Of Yolk" Subtitled: "Confessions of a vegan and serial employee"

  2. No worries, my husband is 26 and has ear AND nose hair but is strangely losing all the hair off the top of his head.  ;)  I want to wax it all off when he's asleep but he insists that will indeed get me hit.  
