Friday, July 14, 2006

A Quick Question.

    Hi all and sundry.  I'm just about to scamper out the door this morning on my way to a doctor's appointment, and an odd sort of question has been flopping around, banging off the insides of my skull, and generally causing a ruckus.

    I've been getting a lot of email lately from some pretty upset religious folks, and through our dicussions, I've seen the following phrase bandied about:

    "We love the sinner but hate the sin."

    Now, I'm just wondering if anyone would like to take a stab at explaining this seemingly contradictory phrase to me?  What are your thoughts? 



  1. My email went ghetto again, so you are lucky I just stopped in here and found this entry.

    While I was "raised" Catholic I don't consider myself the religious type AT ALL (if you can't tell by what I post about 95% of the time) . . . so I am sorry to inform you that I am not going to be able to help you solve that bangin' and clangin' in your head cus I haven't got a clue.


    Amanda :)

  2. I think it's people way of saying what they think GOD would say. In reality, in truth, I don't think GOD would say  that. I think He is smarter then that.

    Besides, if you truly hated something. Then you wouldn't do it. Right?


  3. Does it come down to not judging others for sins of their past?  I don't know.  Me thinks I should've spent more time in Sunday school paying attention and less time coloring Jesus in with funky, more eye-pleasing purple hair...

  4. Something to the effect of "smile! you are on God's refrigerator". My guess is kind of like that phrase, "i love you, but I don't like you right now..."

  5. Are you putting us on?  I think you know very well what it means.  It is quite possible to love someone but hate a particular behavior. If my son lies to me, I hate the lying, but I go right on loving him.

  6. Absolutely correct elleme2. You should never tell a child that THEY are bad, only that their behavior is bad. Same concept.


  7. I think Paul was supposed to get those e-mails.

  8. "Love the sinner but Hate the sin." Pompous crap. To those who are loving me and hating my behavior, I say: Go ahead and hate me. Hate me like a big dog because I do not want you walking around phoney-ass-loving-me just because it makes YOU feel good. That Malleus Maleficarum was just filled with LOOOOOVE, now wasn't it? I'd rather not be Loved To Death, thanks anyway.

    And I must be missing something here, Dan, because I cannot see why the "religious" folk would be upset with you. You're such a kind thoughtful person. Oh I see...THOUGHT-full.

    Love ya..and yer sins, too,

  9. Yeah, it's only a justification that allows them to be judgemental without guilt.
    P.S. Tee, surprisingly, I get little to none of that kind of e-mail.

  10. I agree.  I can see how that comment can, at first, seem somewhat benign, but when you look at it, it's more of a backhanded form of passing judgment, and all it really demonstrates is arrogance and self-righteousness.  


  11. Dan, if that picture is supposed to be God, could you get a new one witha less creepy looking God?

  12. Hmmm.....a man who can still scamper..........

  13. I think they are probably lying.  Even though they are saying those things, deep down they really do hate people who do not agree with their view on life.  

  14. I think you answered your own question on Independence Day.

  15. uh, HUH? Suffice it to say, we love ya Dan.

  16. Sort of like "don't hate the player, hate the game," but not really.
