Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Guess Who's Old Today...

26 mini-marshmallows.. Impressive.    Well, so much for that whole being cool like James Woods thing.  Amanda (aka: Miss Trickster) has turned twenty one today.  So, I hate to break it to you, guys, but if you get on her bad side now, you can no longer find safe refuge in a tavern.  She will track you down and beat you silly, and you've got nowhere to run and hide.  Your best bet is to rent a car and take the first fast road out of town.    

     Twenty-one years old, huh?  Gadzooks!  I barely remember my twenty-first birthday way back in 1989.  The funny thing is, I'd been going to bars long before I turned twenty-one, so it wasn't much of a big deal.  In fact, when I was ten, my first little league baseball coach was also the owner of the most popular bar in town --a place called Nearly Normal.  And, when other teams won their games, they'd go to Shakey's for pizza, but we'd all go hang out in an air-conditioned tavern to drink cokes, eat pizza, and play pool.  We were the envy of the league.

     As I was growing up, the drinking age was always eighteen-years old; however, shortly before turning eighteen, they upped it to nineteen.  I didn't particularly mind, but I had friends who had managed to make it to eighteen before they raised it, and suddenly, they just sort of disappeared. 

     The frustrating part came when I was zeroing in on the age of nineteen, and they decided to finally bump the drinking age up to 21. 

    On the other hand, there was simply so much confusion in Wisconsin in those days as a result of no one really knowing what the legal drinking age actually was that if you were anywhere between the ages of eighteen and twenty-one, you rarely had a problem. 

    Anyway, Happy Birthday Amanda!  I think you should go buy a six-pack (or a forty) for no other reason than the fact that you can.  Whip out that shiny new driver's license and say "Ha!"



  1. OH MY GOODNESS! Dan, you crack me up, that was the last thing I expected to see when the window to your journal opened. HaHaHa. What a hoot, who is that freak in that picture? Now that I look at it, it is frightening really. And you said I don't take a horrible photo.

    You are wonderful, ya know that? Darlin' I can't get enough of you even though I was only 4 when you were 21, geeesh. :-D Ya old fart. (There goes that ego boost thing I do so well again, hehe.)

    Thanks for being so kind to me, you are a charmer! I wish you were here to spend the day with me, there is no one I would rather toast a birthday with than a cheese head from Brew City USA. Maybe someday we can go out for beers.

    Your 'gal',
    Amanda :)

    PS - I will be careful, thanks.

  2. Oh and I have changed my entry . . . thought I'd give this a little pimp. :-D

    Amanda :)

  3. OMG!!!  Dan were you originally from NJ???  Because that is what they did to us... 18 all along, then 19, then 21!!!  lol  The bastards...

    be well,

  4. Enjoyed your entries!

    Congrats on being a pick this week.

    Mary Louise

  5. GREAT PHOTO!! Happy Birthday.
    (I was a bartender at 18.)

  6. Never was much of a drinker, but I did like going to the bars to dance and meet boys.. hee


  7. yep when I was growing up it was 18 then they changed it to 21, then 18 for beer and wine. LOL. The only thing I remember was I went to plenty of bars.

  8. Well . . . I am alive. . . (good thing I am alive, cus if not I would be typing this comment from beyond the grave, and that would just be freaky. *making eyes like the ones in the photo*)

    Mai Tai . . . pretty tasty.
    Margarita . . . eh.
    Chocolate Martini . . . I'll pass next time.
    Long Island Iced Tea . . . I could drink those stupid.
    Sangeria (sp?) . . . different.

    Pina Colado . . . ah - that is my drink. Stick me a little umbrella in that coconuty number and I will be good to go.

    I have yet to try this so called Mojito you talk so much about.

    Even though it was my birthday, I didn't buy any of it. Hmmm? I guess that defeated the actual point of 21 didn't it? This cuteness does come in handy sometimes I suppose. :-D (j/k) I bought a 6 pack, well now it is a 3 pack . . .

    Have a lovely day, again thanks for being so sweet to me on my birthday! You are cooler than James Woods.

    Amanda :)

  9. Good "ole" Amanda,  Our little girl's all grown up now.  Free to get drunk and worship  the porcelain God with the rest of us suckahs. Nice entry.
