Saturday, July 1, 2006

Ole.. ole-ole-ole...

    Apparently, in a short time, the British are coming...  err..  IS coming.  And they're...  err..  she's bringing doughnuts. 

    I don't care who you are, if you show up at my door with a box of doughnuts, you'll always be welcome.  The gatekeeper can be bribed with carbs --sweet, delicious, deep-fried, jelly-filled carbs.  You can have a rattling, running, blood-soaked chainsaw in one hand, but so long as you've got doughnuts it's, "come on in!  Would you like coffee?  Yes, I'd love a cruller.  Hey?  Why are you sawing my leg off?  Can you hand me that one with the sprinkles?" 

    We're apparently going to be watching "the footy" this morning as England and Portugal go at it in a few moments.  And, I'm seriously hoping England wins and moves on to eventually face Germany in the World Cup.  Call me evil, but I would love to see the conflict between my English-born lady-friend and my German-born niece during THAT match.  I'll probably have to hide the breakables and buy a Swiss jersey to keep them from beating each other senseless. 

     Anyway, this is just a quick little entry to pass some time before I make myself fat and stupid.   Have a great day, one and all. 


*UPDATE*  Well, Portugal beat England on penalty kicks, and since this is AOL, I am unable to accurately convey the sentiments still rattling off the walls of this house.  However, my deaf cat scrambled off in a blind panic to find a safe hiding place.     

    Fortunately, I found the Sweden - USA Women's curling match on ESPN2.  Woohoo!  It's 90+ degrees outside, and I get to watch a bunch of pretty women slide down a sheet of ice.  Seems like a perfect excuse to have a nice, lazy day.


  1. Ok so we've gone from KSG to English born lady friend.  Hmmmmm.....<wink>

  2. You had to know the Brits weren't going through. Now all that is left is for Germany to beat Italy and all will be well with the world.

  3. oh yeah Dan.. don't get me started! and the Refs! the one for the Dutch game and the Italian game have been fired! but they are still calling the shots!go figure!
    yeah I think you should hide those thigns! :):) lol

  4. yep give me a donut too.

  5. Cute baby.  If he's this passionate about sports while he's little I can only imagine how much he'll enjoy them when he grows up.  I guess some of us never grow out of this expression.
