Tuesday, July 4, 2006

Independence Day.

    I don't really know what it is, but I seem to be having a bit of a hard time finding the patriotic spirit needed to celebrate America's independence. 

    I've lost count of how many times I've been called a traitor simply because I value the Constitution of the United States.  I've been called "Godless" and "evil" and "un-American" because I respect everyone's First Amendment rights to believe and worship as they wish.  I've been branded "Pro-Terrorist" as a result of demanding we hunt down those responsible for the greatest attack on American soil (as I write this, it's being reported that the CIA is closing its unit responsible for finding and capturing Osama bin Laden).  I've been called a "baby killer" because I don't believe I should have authority over the reproductive rights of a complete and total stranger.  I'm also an "immoral asshole" because I support legal marriages based upon happiness and love rather than archaic gender stereotypes. 

    Forgive me, but I've stopped believing the rhetoric, I'm tired of the headlines, and I'm sick of the hatred.  It's gotten too damn hard to be a proud American while I watch the source of that pride get shredded and tossed aside in order to feed the egos of the power-hungry children driving this once-great country into the ground. 

    So, on this holiday, I will try to remember America for what she once was before all this greed, fear and hatred tore her apart.  And to all you real Americans out there, I'm terribly sorry you have to share a country with an "immoral, unAmerican, godless asshole" such as me.  And, don't worry!  I already know that the only freedom I pretty much have left these days is the freedom to leave. 




  1. huh?
    hugs Dan Happy 4th!
    ps when  were you happy to be here? Im thinking lately we need to reserrect some of that joy

  2. The frustrations in reading your columns is plain and simple. Here I am, all ready to write something JUST LIKE YOU DID, and there is no need. I don't believe ANYONE could put the thoughts of many Americans down as well you do. Never quite. Never leave. Deal?

  3. Well said Dan.  I couldn't have said it better!!!  Bravo!

  4. We have the freedom to leave, but cannot afford the gas. (sigh)

  5. Dan, I believe everything you said people have called you, and the reason why they called you them, makes you a true American! So,celebrate. This country has had darker hours, my friend.

  6. I like sharing the country with people like you just fine, thank you.  Of course, "they" would like us to leave.  Then we can't change it.  If the Constitution with its Bill of Rights were placed before the Congress today for ratification, it would never happen. I'm so glad it's already a done deal and deliberately difficult to alter.  

  7. This is truly the most patriotic entry I've ever read. Bravo! You echo my heartfelt sentiments. I've also been called all those names (as well as a few more).
    Dan, I'm proud to share this country with you. Don't leave.

  8. Sometimes the thing that makes this country great is also the thing that divides it.
    A true American is one that can respect both sides.  Happy Independence Day.
    Terry Ü

  9. well happy 4th to you. Good entry.

  10. Excellent post.

    All of the intolerance that our forefathers objected to and fought against has resurfaced to make us the intolerant country we are today.

    Ironic, ain't it.

  11. Hi !!!!!!! I don't consider you a traitor, Godless, evil or un-American. I think that your a very decent kind funny intelligent big hearted human being. You have made me smile, you have offered me kind words and your many many compliments to my journal have shown how big your heart is. You have touched my heart in many ways and you always manage to put a smile on my face. Whoever could think to call you these things is simply not a human being at all. No one here at J-Land could think to call you such names as those. You are liked and appreciated here at J-Land and that goes for myself a thousand times over. I think your quite wonderful. Whoever says your evil needs to leave J-Land immediately and I'm sure others would agree with me.

    Your fine just the way you are........Don't you change a bit.

  12. Oh he's just a big drunken commie. Ummm, do we stll hate "commies"?--I lose track of which folks we are supposed to be hating today. Well, whoever it is, Dan is One of Them, obviously.

    There's your hate mail, Honey...I mean Communist Baby Killer.

  13. In ref. to that last comment, I agree, drinking . . . at least it was after noon when you wrote this? Are you a mean angry drunk? Cus ya sure don't seem like a silly loveable drunk? (j/k)

    I like givin ya a hard time.

    Either way, great entry . . . really! You are perfect just the way you are Dan, don't change . . . be as "unamerican" as you need to be.

    Amanda :)

  14. Thank you for commenting on my journal. All I can say is, if this makes you an un-american, that well, I'm standing right there next to you. I feel the same as you do, in that entry. Have a great day, and stop by my journal anytime, add me to your journal list if you want, I loved your journal, and I added you to mine if thats ok.

  15. Who pist in your post toasties that day? ;)
    Hope the next one was better.  

  16. you know what,I have to agree with the lack of patriotic spirit,unfortunately and it pains me to have to say I don't have much left with all that is happening today.

    I love America but I'm hurting watching it all come apart and so damn powerless against the evil corruption and greed taking it down.
