Saturday, June 10, 2006

I'm So Needy...

    Earlier tonight, I stopped over at the Deslightful Deslily's blog, and I found another meme to swipe.  It's actually kind of silly, but a lot of fun. 
    The idea is to go to Google, and type in your name followed by the word "needs."  Then, take the first ten non-repeating sentences that make sense and put them in YOUR blog (or, if you don't have a blog, just do it for kicks). 
    Anyway, here's what I discovered.  I'm pretty needy, I guess (shut your mouth, Chrissykins):
1.)    Dan needs a new car.    Ummm...  Well, my Jeep's still pretty new, but the CD player has been kind of fussy since I bounced it off a boulder off-roading in Montana. So, I suppose I do need one.  Buy me... buy me... buy me...
2.)    Dan needs medical help.    Hahaha...  What?  Does the limp give it away?
3.)    Dan needs the love too, y'all.    Well, a little love would be nice.
4.)    Dan needs tech support.      Understatement of the week, right there.  Bloody Microsoft.  ACK! 
5.)    Dan needs to overcome....    What?  I mean, aside from the garden-variety broken-heart, I don't really need to overcome anything.  Unless you're talking about my driving habits, because, well...  Yeah. I do need to pass anyone foolish enough to be in front of me.  Zoom-Zoom...
6.)    Dan needs your help in editing his news reports.    Oh man.  Do I ever.  My writing lately has been utter dreck, and each sentence has been a struggle.  In fact, it's kind of like pulling a matress out of a friggin' swimming pool.   
7.)    Dan needs your input.    Yes.  Yes, I do.  What do you all think? 
8.)    Dan needs a stunt double in the bus....    Don't judge me for my bad balance on public transportation, okay?  I'm a victim of centrifugal force.  Newton explained it best with F=MA.      
9.)    Dan needs some hugs.    You don't know the HALF of it. 
10.)   Dan needs to wear a shirt.  Sheesh!  What is it with you people and shirts?  I mean, I'm waiting for my big break on Cops, alright? 
    Well, there you have it.  Give it a whirl and have fun.  And, leave a link in the comments.  I need to see just how needy you all are. 


  1. I've been reading your blog off and on for a while and I thought I should leave a comment.  This really looks interesting.  I (being computer stupid) don't know what a meme is but I imagine I can find out.  LOL I thought aI would swipe this as I NEED an idea for a new entry.  Thanks.  Have a Sunny Sunday.

  2. I am not too terribly needy I guess.  Here's a link so you can see for yourself.

  3. What a fun idea!  Here's the link to mine...Ü

  4. LOL cute Dan... I was shocked at what could be done with googling your name and one word lol.. borrow Meme's anytime!

  5. After doing this...I found I was in worse shape than I thought!!  lol

  6. Okay, it is official . . . u are way to needy for my liking. . . it is just never going to work out Dan, I am sorry, it's u not me. HaHaHa.

    Take care . . . .

    Amanda :)

  7. *hanging head* I'm in worse shape than I ever imagined. *looking for my Happy Place* My needy entry:

    Your was fun to read, but then most of yours ARE fun. You're not TOO needy.

    By the way, my name is Stephanie. Just thought I would introduce myself since I have been reading you regularly for a couple months, and have begun leaving comments in your blog recently.

    I enjoy stopping by.
