Saturday, June 3, 2006

I'm a Mess...


   Hey!  Did you all know that today isn't Sunday?  

   Apparently, as a result of whooping it up at the Friday evening wedding, I am having a really hard time realizing today is Saturday.  It didn't exactly help either that there was some sort of NASCAR type race on earlier today, but from what I gather, it was the Busch League.  Still, it was more than enough to keep the illusion of Sunday alive.

    Seriously, earlier today, while thinking it was Sunday, I did all my laundry, I went grocery shopping, I made a couple of loaves of bread (I tend to do that on Sunday), and I was looking forward to sitting down tonight to watch Law & Order: Criminal Intent and waking up tomorrow to run to the post office and bank.  I got all my stuff together, and then Teeisme57 emailed me and reminded me that today was, in fact, Saturday.  So, thanks Tee! 

    The thing is, now I have absolutely no idea what I am going to do tomorrow since I seem to have gotten it all done today.  I have a feeling it'll be like living in Limbo. 

     Oh well...  Let's hope I can get this all sorted out soon.  My birthday's on Tuesday, and at this rate, I'll be celebrating it on Monday.  That normally wouldn't be a problem, but Monday is my brother Bill's birthday (he's #2 of 7) and not mine and my twin's (#'s 6 & 7 of 7). 

     Egads!  I'd better not think about this too hard.  Bad things could happen.  For all I know, I'll call my brother on HIS birthday and scold the hell out of him for not calling me on MY birthday.  And, I'm not sure, but I think family members tend to take those sorts of "episodes" into account when having a fellow family member institutionalized for his or her own safety. 

     Anyway, the moral of the story is that people really have no business scheduling their weddings on Fridays.  There really should be a law. 



  1. Go play tomorrow...and enjoy your Bday!

  2. I had the same 'day identity crisis' last weekend, when my kids had off not only Memorial Day, but also the Friday before from school. Friday seemed like Saturday, Saturday seemed like Sunday, Sunday seemed like another Saturday and Monday seemed like Sunday. Kapeesh? Of course you do. Here's my solution...since Friday seemed like Saturday because of the wedding you probably didn't do your normal 'Saturday stuff' on Saturday. Instead you did your Sunday stuff on Saturday. (If you need laundry to do, come get mine, we're having plumbing problems and I can't do any.) So say, if you mow the lawn on Saturday,do that, then have some beers and then go take a nap. When you wake from your nap, do something Sundayish. Go to the grocery store for something you forgot, infact, go get a cake mix to make a birthday cake, and get ready to watch Law and Order as usual.
    Hey, your birthday is on 6/6/6!
