Wednesday, January 2, 2008

[The Wisdom of a Distracted Mind] Yes. I Am Still Whining.


This chronic pain nonsense is getting pretty freakin' old pretty damn fast.

I mean, would it have been so rough to decline my Remicade in a better season... like June? I'd imagine this collapse wouldn't have been so bloody swift in a warmer climate. As it stands now, though, pretty much every one of my moving parts has some element of arthritis blazing unchecked and out of control. It's pretty much head-to-toe inflammation at this point, and I'd be a fool to think that this omnipresent collection of aches and pains wouldn't twist my overall mood.

Now, I don't need the hugs or anything. This is just me using my blog to vent and rage and pound painfully upon these little keys to just get this overwhelming angst and rage out of my head.

Nor is this me feeling sorry for myself.

What it is, is me trying to figure out some avenue down which I can travel so as to find some solution to this maddening situation. I'll probably be on the phone all day trying to sort out stuff, but to say I'm confident that this will all be resolved soon is a lie. My greatest fear is that by the time the folks at Enbrel get around to coming through for me, the permanent damage done as a result of allowing this stuff to run rampant will be severe enough to the point that no amount of medication or treatment will really make a difference.

Anyway, I don't know how things will be on this blog over the coming weeks. It may be slow here. Normally, I could wake up, wrestle myself out of bed, cram some pain killers into my head and spend some semi-lucid time typing. Unfortunately, the pain has gotten to the point where the pills I take do almost nothing. And, to make matters worse, it's impossible getting my doctor to prescribe anything stronger.

Don't worry, though. I've still got some hope that this will get figured out before too long. Right now, it's time to start my day of dialing.

Have a great day, everyone.


Posted By Dan to The Wisdom of a Distracted Mind at 1/02/2008 05:39:00 AM


  1. Dan, sorry to hear the pain is no better. Have you ever gotten any relief in a hot tub or a spa? When I get minor aches I soak for 45 minutes and it works for me. Bill

  2. Sorry to hear you're still struggling Dan. I hope you get some success on the phone today.


  3. Sorry to hear you're still struggling Dan. I hope you get some success on the phone today.

