Friday, January 4, 2008

[The Wisdom of a Distracted Mind] Just Wonderful... Arrgh!

Today, I am thoroughly going to blame Lakota (not the entire tribe, mind you. Just one particular princess) for a smidgen of my angst today. I mean, every morning I tend to spend a bit of time pondering over my neglected collection of guitars and the dusty trappings of my former life as an occasional musician who actually had a wee bit of promise and whatnot, and normally I look at my paws and realize that I should just stick to typing whatever is sloshing around in my head these days rather than smash and twist them upon a fretboard.

This morning was one of those typical mornings... Until she posted a video of Johnette Napolitano and Concrete Blonde putting their spin on the Leonard Cohen tune "Everybody Knows." Easily one of my favorite things to listen to.

Needless to say, that video stirred up some great memories of my now long-gone heady days, and it was a nice walk down memory lane to hear a woman whose singing voice has always torn through me like warm little needles on a cold and dreadful morning.

Anyway, I'm not going to post the same video here since, well, that would be silly. But, here's the "unplugged" version of the tune, and I think it goes a long way in showing just what an awesome voice Johnette Napolitano has.

Since I've gotten older, and subsequently more, umm, refined (hahaha), I tend to now tilt my meters safely into that which is mellow-ish so as to just grow old without lighting anything around me on fire.

Still, this song, sung by that woman inspires in me an amazing, unstoppable urge to pick up whatever instrument is closest, fire up the amps and the P.A., and blow this stodgy old dust out my sight and all the damn frost out of my world.

There are really only a very few songs which can do that, and I really should thank Lakota for tripping one of the forgotten switches which nudge me in a different and much more fun direction.


Posted By Dan to The Wisdom of a Distracted Mind at 1/04/2008 09:28:00 AM

1 comment:

  1. When that video first began I didn't think I was going to like it but it actually sent shivers down my spine. Thanks for sharing. I'm off now to find my one and only Leonard Cohen cd and a jug of brandy. Should be a good night.
