Monday, January 7, 2008

[The Wisdom of a Distracted Mind] An Unproductive Day, I'd Say...

Well, I suppose there's pretty much zero chance of me getting anything done today.

Curse you, SciFi Channel and your all-day Doctor Who marathons! Why must you dangle the mesmerizingly jiggly and giggly Billie Piper in my face when I should be doing things like, umm... well... important things!

For example, my plan for world domination?

Yeah. That's going to have to wait until Tuesday because of this. And, who the hell takes over the world on a Tuesday? A mid-week domination scheme is just too low-rent.

I'd love to stay and chat; however, the Doctor and his mates are getting set to accidentally release the universe's ultimate evil, and well... Don't judge me. I mean, Billie Piper crawls through an air-duct, and where else are you ever going to see that sort of thing?

Ah well... Cry havoc, and let slip the Oods of War!



Posted By Dan to The Wisdom of a Distracted Mind at 1/07/2008 08:39:00 AM

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