Saturday, January 19, 2008

[The Wisdom of a Distracted Mind] Brrrrbrbrbrrr....


It's a weird morning. I've only been awake for maybe a half an hour so far, and already, things seem to be a little nutty.

For example, I'm sitting here at the moment thinking about the big, hulking freezer chest in my basement that's just sort of sitting in the corner, doing its thing keeping food and stuff solid. It's handy. It's got a goose and two ducks in there that I really should get around to cooking someday. But, that's not what this is about.

Today, it's colder outside than it is inside my big freezer, so I'm pretty sure the poultry in my freezer is slightly better off. It's five degrees below zero with a wind chill of minus 25. So, if nothing else, so far this morning, I haven't really noticed a whole lot of positive things since getting out of bed.

I've come to the realization, however, that the cold is probably why Canadians are such damn nice people. I like Canadians. How could you not? They're all pretty decent, polite, they've got good food, and they like beer... good beer.

But, they've got a hidden agenda. I think, in the Canadian mind, they want to be nice to people who live in warmer climates in the hopes of being adopted and taken home to a nice life someplace where a person's head doesn't explode when they step outside to pick up their morning newspaper. And, who could blame them?

There's cold, and then there's just plain stupid cold, and we here in the Land of Cheese are stepping precariously close to the realm of stupid where only crazy people like the Donner Party live.

Tomorrow, there's the Packers' game, and of course I'm going to be watching and screaming at the TV and doing everything I can to root for my team, but it's going to be stupid cold, and I'm pretty sure they'll be showing a lot half-naked crazy Cheeseheads braving hypothermia and frostbite while the announcers say things like "This is what football is supposed to be like."

Will it be a fun game?

Oh yes.

But, it's going to be cold. And, I'm sure you're going to hear a lot about the cold, again, and again, and again...

I don't like negative numbers. In fact, if I learned anything in college, it's that negative numbers in something like, say, a checking account, are bad and should be avoided at all costs. Unfortunately, my thermometer only has a Celsius and Fahrenheit setting, and mornings like these make me wish it would display things in Kelvin since, not only would I like to know how close my Jeep is getting to turning into a Bose-Einstein Condensate, but I would also like to wake up with ice on the windows, and see that the thermometer is reading a nice, comfortable 265 degrees above zero.

After all, let's face it, when you see temperatures like that, you think margaritas, you think Mexico, you think gosh, it's hot! I think I want to just sit in the chair with a cold beer. But no. It's still cold, but it's not the sort of cold where the freakin' thermometer is mocking you every time you step close to a window.

Anyway, I'm off to find a way in which to make this morning make some bit of sense. I suppose it doesn't help that I'm watching some comically cheesy movie called Snakehead Terror where people are running around shooting killer fish that wander into their homes and beach-front cabins like Chevy Chase's infamous Landshark from Saturday Night Live. Right now, some teenage girl with a dead eye is blasting a shotgun wildly at a fish infestation that's eating her boyfriend while waiting for Carol Alt to either get naked or save the day.

Yeah... It's still not making a damn bit of sense.



Posted By Dan to The Wisdom of a Distracted Mind at 1/19/2008 09:32:00 AM


  1. In extreme cold, people tend not to make sense~~
    Hot chocolate, bed, blankets, a good book, no plans, and crack up the heater!!
    May your toes and nose stay warm today.

  2. I think Rebecca has the right theme for the weather....Alas I'm sitting in the coldest area of my house, the foyer on the computer. Sitting on one hand, pecking with the other on the computer and drinking HOT tea....Yet we love our northern climes don't we? (Hugs) Indigo

  3. We've made it up to 14° so far, which apparently is balmy compared to your digs!

    I don't know if you've ever heard this--if you haven't, I think you'll enjoy it:


  4. Being from Miami, heat doesn't bother me (no pun intended), but I'm absolutely useless in the cold. The only "cold weather" I've been able to handle is skiing at Heavenly Valley at Lake Tahoe between 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. with an hour off for lunch at the mid-mountain eatery.

    Good luck with "The Pack".


  5. Congratulations Dan on being chosen as Guest editor's Choice. Love Pam xx

  6. it is freezing here too I hope you get warm soon
    I received the link to your journal thru magic smoke I would like to invite you to my journey,

  7. I have been to Canada in the winter and have NEVER, been so cold in my life when I went outside.
    Lovely country and lovely people though.

  8. Yes, why is it you damned WI people think that in order to get on tv you must wear a bikini in the negatives???  And by the way, being a Packers fan, I didn't speak to ANYONE for an hour after that game.  If you even looked like you were going to breathe in my direction, I vaporized you.  I hope like hell this isn't his last year.  
