Tuesday, July 10, 2007

You've Got To Be Kidding...

    I hope everyone is having a wonderful summer, by the way.  Just remember, don't forget to be afraid:
Officials Worry of Summer Terror Attack
Posted: 2007-07-10 15:54:02
WASHINGTON (AP) - U.S. counterterror officials are warning of an increased risk of an attack this summer, given al-Qaida's apparent interest in summertime strikes and increased al-Qaida training in the Afghan-Pakistani border region.

On Tuesday, Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff told the editorial board of The Chicago Tribune that he had a "gut feeling" about a new period of increased risk. (link to full story)

    Now, forgive my language, but Secretary Chertoff, please, kindly go fuck yourself and let America live in peace.  I think we deserve something a little more valid than your gut feelings, asshat. 

    This administration is blisteringly pathetic, and I think we should take a lesson from the Chinese

    Let's see...  I don't think it's any coincidence that Chertoff's latest gastro-intestinal distress of terror comes at a time when Attorney General Gonzales is caught lying (again), the fact that the Iraqi government failed to meet every single supposed benchmark, the former Surgeon General came out and said he was muzzled, a DC Madam released her phone records, and so on and so forth.  Oh yeah, and Bush's ratings are in the crapper (where theybelong).

    So yeah...  We're supposed to believe this latest threat is simply the result of  Michael Chertoff's tummy, and not an attempt to distract people from the never-ending series of failures in Washington DC. 

    Ahh...  If only the Democrats weren't also such gutless twerps. 



  1. Yeah... they all suck.  But thank heavens/fate that we live here and can say so, Dan.   Chertoff... the big ass.  Gut feeling.  Pfft.

    be well,

  2. Twerp is a fabulous word, and so...so...fitting.


  3. Politicians are the same the world over. I think Billy Connolly was right when he said "anyone who expresses a desire to be come a politician should automatically be banned from ever becoming one." B.

  4. Damn...I knew there was something I forgot to do today...BE AFRAID! Maybe Michael should ease off on the Taco Bell. --Cin

  5. Let's not turn this into an immigration issue, Cinzano.  


  6. I have a photo of George Dublya somewhere standing in front of the slogan, every vote counts. You can't realy see the word vote and he is standing in front of the letter O so you can't see that either, fitting realy, don't you think?
    Gaz ;-)
