Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Scared Owl.

    Now, this is kind of cool.

    Sorry about the Japanese, but the words really aren't all that important.  To translate, it pretty much seems to be saying "Hey!  Watch what happens when we scare the crap out of this owl with a Jack-in-the-box." 

    I got this from BoingBoing, but because I love you all, I searched YouTube for the video rather than send you to the original over-taxed website they were pimping (BB has a way of sending hordes of visitors to the same place, and subsequently crashing the site). 


  1. Wow... that cute chubby owl became a very tall ugly one!

    be well,

  2. lmao!!  Poor guy...

  3. The owl should have bit the presenter....... Poor thing.
    Gaz ;-)
