Saturday, May 26, 2007

Saturday Noise...

    I am having one of those days.  It's actually kind of funny.  Did you ever feel like you wanted something, but you had no idea what it was you were craving?  I mean, I'm sitting here thinking about breakfast, I'm kind of hungry, and for the life of me, I have no idea what the hell I want.  And, I'm pretty sure that by the time I figure it out, it will be lunch, and the whole damn vicious cycle will begin anew.  Then, dinner will come, and if this keeps up, I will starve to death. 

    I'm just completely ambivalent today.

    And, of course, I blame Paul for everything.  He's got a pretty lively discussion going over at AWV, and it's taken up little nuggets of my time here and there.  It's fun, though.  So, you should all join in.  Unlike the AOL message boards, the conversations on Paul's blog are civil, mature, intelligent and enlightening without some poo-flinging potato-head dropping in to tell everyone that they're going to burn in hell. 
    Unfortunately, I can be somewhat hard on religion which sometimes is translated that I am attacking God.  But, really, I don't have a problem with God.  But, I DO think religion ranks just above the Macarena when it comes to the worst things to ever happen to humanity.  Maybe I'm naive, but I just don't see any good reason why mankind should be required to appeal to something which, as it stands, is essentially a figment whose definition we can't agree upon and subsequently blow each other up because of it. 

    Oh well...  I'm off to figure out lunch (no.  I have no clue what I want.  You're welcome to suggest something).  Later today (or early tomorrow), I will post the answers to your questions.  So, you still have time to Ask Me Anything

    Other than that, does anyone have any nifty plans for Memorial Day? 



  1. Do ya know? I feel like this too. I might just opt for the wine instead though. It is evening here after all!
    As for the Macerena, I bet you haven't seen how we Brits dance to the Birdy song, it comes real close to God and the Macarena.
    Gaz ;-)

  2. Get some beer, and have a pizza delivered. That's always good!

  3. Oh yeah... eat something...  Go to Hooters... have a beer and some wings....

    be well,

  4. No plans here just to relax...

    be well,

  5. Go get yourself a piece of that pig in your previus entry. That should see you through breakfast, lunch and dinner for a week! B.

  6. Pop over...I've made waffles today. And I am roasting a turkey for Monday. We are doing backyard science again that day. Listen for explosions from the West.

  7. I say go to a buffet restaurant...then you have a choice or you can have a little bit of everything! HA!

    I may meet some of my sibs & see Pirates tomorrow & get some Connie's Pizza afterwards. Other than that Eye exam & surviving the storms we are getting now.

  8. To be fair to The Macarena, I far prefer watching all the women at an Italian wedding doing that, than The Chicken Dance. I'll let you be the judge...

    The Macarena:

    The Chicken Dance:
