Wednesday, May 7, 2008

[The Wisdom of a Distracted Mind] A Fluffy Sort of Wednesday...

Hi folks!

Life on this end is a bit of a painful mess at the moment, and I'm kind of more in the mood to just drool at something than put in any effort with this blog thing. It's not that I don't love this blogging thing. I do. It's fun, and I have some great discussions with some of the world's most fascinating and unique people ever.

The thing is, I'm just too sore and thumped on pain killers to do anything other than post today's picture and wobble back to bed to plow my eyes across the pages of whatever good book I can find to read.

So, here's today's photo:

It's DeafCat looking out upon a rainy day. Unlike DogCat, she's not all that fond of rain. In fact, she treats rain as a cat is expected to. In her mind, the rain might as well be muddy, little drops of boiling-hot battery acid falling upon her Just Cleaned Fur!รข„¢.

DogCat, on the other hand, is decidedly un-catlike in that, when it starts raining, he will leap out the door and dive into a puddle in mad pursuit of a drowning earthworm who just happened to be twitching rather disrespectfully in his general direction.

The only problem with DeafCat is that I don't really think that she makes the connection that what she sees out the window on the door is actually what is on the other side of the door. In other words, to her, the window is like a big TV with crappy sound and a lousy picture which just happens to be located on the only portal to the outside world. So, whenever I show up, she will wail and bellow and beg to be let outside in spite of the fact that window/television shows that it's pouring out.

And, every time, I open the door, she tries to take a step forward, and inevitably, she will look up to me with her most feeble look as if to say Dude? WTF? I got some of that on me? I just spent six hours washing this paw, and look what you did? You will pay, human!



PostedBy Dan to The Wisdom of a Distracted Mind at 5/07/2008 11:38:00 AM

1 comment:

  1. Great picture of DeafCat, I like the way her fur is backlit.
    Makes her look so fluffy, like she's just been brushed.
    Hope your pain is better.

