Sunday, May 7, 2006

Too nice...

   I'm sorry, but it's just too darn gorgeous outside today.  Plus, I've been looking for an excuse to play with my chainsaw, and rather than unleash a maniacal, pajama-clad, 2:00 am spree of destruction upon my neighbor's ridiculously loud Harley Davidson, I think it's time I deal with an unruly apple-tree that's been begging to have its lifeless limbs tossed into the fire pit to sate my selfish pyromaniacal side. 

    Let's see...  It will take a chainsaw, some matches, a bottle of wine and probably some sort of charred meat before all is said and done. 

   I love Sundays.  Don't you?




  1. Hi ! I recently came upon your journal which I find quite interesting. I will have to add your journal to my journal page titled "Dear Diary". J-Land is lucky to have you. Keep writing !!!!!!!!

  2. I like 'em the way you describe 'em.

  3. sounds like you're having fun
    nice photo, Dan! thanks!

  4. Well Dan, I hope this afternoons project went well and do have all your limbs intact, right? I also hope your Harley riding neighbor had just drifted off to sleep when you yanked the pullcord on that chainsaw.

  5. Hi Dan ... you have popped the virgin cherry .... on being the first man to visit my journal .... I have put you in my alerts ... and hope to hear from you soon ...

    Thanks for stopping by...


  6. Let's not even discuss chainsaws. Hubby had a bad go around with one this weekend. LoL Besides what did that poor apple tree do to you.

    Sign a Tree Hugger...


  7. Ah yes . . . any excuse to use something that could remove a limb from your body . . .

    Glad to hear you enjoyed your Sunday! HaHa! Hope you put that Harley riding neighbor of yours in his place. :-D

    Take Care!

    Amanda :)
