Monday, May 8, 2006

Joe Six Pack (redux)

    Now, being from Milwaukee, my people invented the six-pack.  In fact, my family once owned a brewery that went belly-up during the time of Prohibition, and, as a result, my ancestors had to sober up and get real jobs.  So, in honor of those former beer-makers, the theme of this Six-Pack is "People I'd Like to Have a Beer With."  So, here goes:
  • Aurora Walking Vacation    --Not every Canadian eats raw seal meat and lives in an igloo.  Some of them have a house, a crazy sense of humour and a great talent for getting people to understand all sides of any issue. 
  • Welcome to My Life     --Holly is funny --strike that!  Holly is REALLY funny.  If you can read her blog without cracking a smile, then you probably should check your pulse.  If you find that you are without a pulse, then you might be interested in reading her Fictional Vampire Journal.  She caters to both crowds. 
  • Rachael Anne Rules the World    --I think everyone should have a beer with at least one free-wheeling theologian at some point in their lives, and, to me, Rachael is a constant reminder that, in the right hands, religion can be a very good thing.  So, stop by here, say hello and give Kimo a virtual scratch behind the ears. 
  • Passer domesticus    --If there is such a thing in this world as a "reasonably domesticated gypsy," it's this woman and mother.  In reading her "100 Things," (currently at #121) it's clear that this life is not so much a moveable feast, insofar that it's kind of like a perpetually relocating kegger with great snacks and a lot of laughs. 
  • Eau de Humanity!    --Lee's a great guy with a great sense of humor, a sharp wit, and a knack for the comical side of all things logical.  Plus,you never know what kind of silliness you'll stumble across on this blog from time to time. 
  • HEY, I'M COUNTRY!    --Amanda is barely old enough to drink, but her observations on life and the world around her is just a lot of fun to read.  She strikes me as someone who never stops laughing.  But, more importantly, she's really finding her talent in this world, and I have a feeling that her readers may one day say, "I knew her when she was just a country girl who wrote a lot about shoes." 
    Well, here are just six of the many many people out there with whom I would enjoy sharing a beer.  There's a lot more out there, I'm sure. 
P.S.  I agree with Paul.  I also think Joe needs a haircut (Still...  I wouldn't mind having a beer with Joe either, but posting his blog in my six pack could achieve a level of redundancy from which humanity might never be able to escape the clutches of its infinite loop).   


  1. Awww, I am honored and right back at ya, Dan. If you are ever in Utah, the products of Wasatch Brew Company  and Cutthroat Brewing will be waiting for you. Wasatch Brew has a beer called Polygamy Porter--the label shows a guy surrounded by his wiveS and the phrase "Why have just one"; the Cutthroat folks have a big billboard on route 15 which shows a picture of a six pack and the caption reads "666. It's all we ever think about". Gotta enjoy a state where beer-drinking is a SIN. Yahoo!

  2. Now, not to sound too horribly sexist, but I never understood why anyone would be in a religion where you can have several wives and not be able to drink.  If anything, I'd think alcohol and coffee should almost be considered "marital aids" at that point.  


  3. thanks Dan!

  4. "You like me - you really like me!"  Okay, so Sally Field, I'm not - but I am proud to have made your list of things "to-do."
    Wait - that went weird.
    Oh, well - you know what I mean!  :)

  5. Sweet! I have sucked in one more fan of Hey, I'm Country. Mwahahahaha! Thanks for the pimp Dan! Yay!

    Barely old enough to drink, sheeesh, I still got two months two go. But I'll still have a beer with ya, shhh - just don't tell on me. :-D

    Something sounds so wrong everytime I read "a country girl who writes about shoes." Just doesn't seem quiet right to me.

    You've got a hell of a place over here Dan! Love it! Just thought I would note that.

    Take care! HeHeHe.

    Amanda :)

  6. You're right, Amanda.  That does sound a little awkward.  Perhaps I should have said, "She's a country girl who can bitch-slap a herd of cattle over a barbed-wire fence while wearing heels and still keep a smile on her face."  


  7. Please note that I have made that the heading of "Hey I'm Country." Whoop Whoop!

    Amanda :)

  8. Hi Dan -- just wanted to let you know that I'm featuring your Six-Pack Picks in my blog today:

    Thanks -- Joe, Journals Editor
