
Well, I suppose I've waited all year for yet another twisted, bizarre prediction from the slobbering, prattling Pat Robertson, and he didn't disappoint. This year, Ol' Pat's saying that God told him that the United States will be attacked by terrorists, and millions will affected. Again.
"I'm not necessarily saying it's going to be nuclear," [Robertson] said during his news-and-talk television show "The 700 Club" on the Christian Broadcasting Network. "The Lord didn't say nuclear. But I do believe it will be something like that."Now, I'm going to go out on a limb here and suggest that Pat Robertson isRobertson said God told him during a recent prayer retreat that major cities and possibly millions of people will be affected by the attack, which should take place sometime after September.
Last year, God told Pat that a tsunami would hit America, and well, not only did one NOT hit America, from what I gather, it was a pretty lousy year for surfing altogether. So, either Pat's lying, or God's lying. Which is it?
The sad thing is, people still listen to these pseudo-Christian morons, and people are still dumb enough to not only listen, but to send in fat wads of money so that they can continue to spew their unenlightened, fear-mongering dreck from their cushy pulpits upon the masses. They've taken Christianity and turned it into a pervasive, hateful cancer eroding America's common sense in pursuit of money and power. George Bush did the same damned thing when he spouted that God told him to attack Iraq, and look how that turned out.
Personally, I don't believe in any God, so I can find a great deal of hilarity and hypocrisy in these ejaculations of our nation's "religious" leaders. However, if you do believe in god, I'm curious as to how you can sit there and allow these maniacs to blaspheme a god that you love and respect? It's got to be a tremendous insult to watch people like George Bush, Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, et al, take something you value and worship and use it to further their own individual power-hungry agenda.
sooooo...i just started reading here..and right off the bat I cannot keep quiet. First, let me say, I do believe and although it is your right to choose not to...i'll still say a prayer for you today right along with my prayers for President Bush and now Pat Robertson. So you see I don't just sit here and let people "ejaculate" their beliefs. However, so far, I have not found a way to control what other people choose to do or say or believe. But I do know who I will answer to and I know as I go through out my day I will do what I can to live the way I believe it is written in the Bible that we should. I'll look after my neighbor, smile and say thank you at the grocery store, let some crazed driver on the freeway get in front of me, help feed a homeless person, ask to be forgiven for my wrongs, and teach my children right from wrong and help them to learn about the God I believe in, with hopes that when they are old enough they make the right choices. Now let me ask you this, the murderers and criminals in your town - do you think instead of just sitting back, you could go change their ways - unless of course, you believe in them??? Please know as I write this it is with a smile on my face....and I mean no disrespect to you or your belief.....just flipping the coin over for a minute...
ReplyDeleteGotta say, Silverdoe, your reading comprehension seems to be at ebb this morning. It was clear to me that Dan wasn't talking about you, or Christians in general in this post. He was talking about those whackos, like Pat Robertson, who claim to be Christian, yet spout nothing but hatred and intolerance every time they open their mouths. I believe that is why Dan use the term "pseudo-Christians."
ReplyDeleteHis last two sentences are an appeal to you to not sit back, but to get out there and show the rest of us what a "true Christian" is. The moderate and reasonable majority have to stand up and speak out against the loonies, like Pat Robertson, who are making you look bad. If you don't want me to judge you by the actions and statements of Pat Robertson, then stand up for yourself and your religion, and tell him to shut the f#@k up.
Dan darlin' I do want to state first of all that there were "MONSTER WAVES" on the California coast this past year. I'll give you it wasn't a tsunami, but some surf enthusiasts who couldn't pass up the opportunity to ride those swells, did die out there in the surf. Again, as noted below in the first post we can't predict or control other people's behavior no matter who we have on our side. We all have free will in great abundance, a luxury to some degree, a burden to some degree AND because of the country we live in we're also free to blather on about what we believe.
ReplyDeleteNot all who choose to walk in the path of God get it right every time either. We listen to that 'still small voice' that lives and breaths in all of us ... we just trust it and sometimes it turns out being our will. Anyway, we still love you and your opinions, you are more than entitled to them. You have a great sense of humor and I find your posts very entertaining .. still I guess we'll haveto wait and see how things turn out and we can revisit this in 08. I hope Pat is (eh, hemn - insane) wrong.
Glendar: It's not so much a question of whether or not Pat Robertson is wrong, but what happens if God (according to Pat) is woefully wrong, once again. The inerrancy of a being which is defined as "omnipotent" kind of gets tossed out the window.
ReplyDeleteMy biggest problem is that people can sit and allow this fear-spouting moron extort them out of their hard-earned life savings with the belief that Pat Robertson will protect them. And, god forbid, if he doesn't, then it's because they just didn't give enough to the greedy piece of trash.
Silverdoe: The genuine Christians out there are honorable people, and you'd think they'd step up and do something about how Robertson and his ilk would use THEIR God as a means of taking advantage of their fellow humans with phony promises and petty fears. As I told a particularly hypocritical pastor: "God should never be used to turn a profit." And, if you sit there and watch people use God in such a way, you are the furthest thing from Jesus imaginable. After all, what would Jesus do with someone like Pat Robertson? I think, if nothing else, Jesus would, at the very least, voice his outrage at this sort of extortion.
Now, you brought up the criminals and murderers in my town, and we do have many. But, their crimes are nothing compared to those of these pseudo-Christian evangelists who prey upon peoples' hopes and fears. They may use guns and knives to rob people ONCE, but folks like Robertson use God and peoples' FEAR of and respect for that God to rob people again and again until they've simply got nothing more to give.
awww man, plittle any other day I just keep quiet and pick my battles. This is a battle I usually wouldn't enter into. BUT, by adding my thoughts, I was standing up for what I believe in and was careful to not be offensive to anyone. I think my understanding on the subject was perfect and it is you who needs to re-read..I was only trying to make the point that even if I did stand up and as you so eloquently stated, tell Robertson to "shut the f*@k up" - it wouldn't matter, he like us all, is entitled to his opinion Just because I am not ripping on Robertson, that certainly doesn't make my opinion the same as his. I have about as much chance of changing Mr Robertson as you or anyone has in changing the common criminal- which was my whole point. If you didn't understand - I live my life doing the best I can and that is all and so far I haven't come close to being perfect - but I do try hard to not judge anyone. Can you say the same? As far as dpoem and his views - I enjoy them his blog is one of the few that can make me laugh or smile at least! Even a Christian (like me) is entertained by other points of view.
ReplyDeletewhat makes one crime worse than another..and who is the judge....ackkk im done! im done!...I so didn't mean to stir this pot...
ReplyDeleteYou're not stirring any pots. You and I are both coming from the same side of the fence, Silverdoe.
ReplyDeleteI don't think I'm attacking anyone's beliefs other than Pat Robertson's. But, I honestly don't think Pat Robertson believes in God anyway. And, if he does, well, his god's a worthless figment who's not worth paying attention to.
So, what CAN Christians do? Well, they can publicly denounce Mr. Robertson and others like him. They can comb through their Bibles and disprove everything he says. They can make him a laughing stock by expose him for the maniacal fraud that he is.
You have to understand, for right or wrong, these guys are the definition of Christianity in America. They are visible because they are controversial, and their exploitation of God and the Bible is just one of the many reasons America is seen as a greedy, hate-filled nation to be feared and destroyed.
Christians are supposed to work toward peace and harmony, yet they turn a blind eye and remain silent when it comes to these pseudo-Christian dominionists. Are Christians starting to feel that ANY talk of Jesus and God, no matter how deranged and wrong, is good?
Trust me, true Christians are NOT powerless to stop these guys, just as the true Muslims weren't powerless to stop the fundamentalist maniacs from destroying their religion. Yet, they did when the fundamentalist Taliban was allowed to flourish and gain power on a global stage in Afghanistan. And that is where Christianity is headed in our nation. There will be a schism where the genuine Christians will become weak apologists while the extremist believers seek to control the planet.
And that's my fucking prediction.
The only thing that is going to change or stop people like this is speaking out and praying for them. Prayer moves mountains like Pat Robinson.
ReplyDeleteLOL I sure hope your prediction is not right although the Bible does predict something similar - but again you made me laugh out loud with how you stated it! No matter what people do..there will still be those who send their money to the likes of Pat Robertson. (I agree with Carol...guess I wasn't as clear.) And I do agree we are on the same side of the fence- surprised you said so though-must be a midwestern thing. I will never believe that "those guys"" define Christianity - I believe I define it..my relationship with the God I believe in and for many Christians- more than you know - it is the same. Don't you think our government is more of the reason we get labeled as a greedy, hate filled nation?? And in my own little way here - do you not agree that I am publicly denouncing Robertson?? Now, after reading all of your thoughts...are you still telling me that you don't believe in any God?? Somehow I am having a hard time believing that is true of you.
ReplyDelete"he's really no different from the terrorists? "
ReplyDeleteDan, Please. Now, that is an extremist view. ~raven
Really, Raven? Extremist? How so?
ReplyDeleteIs spouting hatred for a people only acceptable when it's based on Christianity as opposed to Islam?
Honestly, I see no difference in the rhetoric between these worthless pseudo-Christian dominionists and the terrorists who wish to harm us. In fact, here are some words which I think do a great job in explaining this asshole's agenda:
"If Christian people work together, they can succeed during this decade in winning back control of the institutions that have been taken from them over the past 70 years. Expect confrontations that will be not only unpleasant but at times physically bloody.... This decade will not be for the faint of heart, but the resolute. Institutions will be plunged into wrenching change. We will be living through one of the most tumultuous periods of human history. When it is over, I am convinced God's people will emerge victorious.
-- Pat Robertson, Pat Robertson's Perspective Oct-Nov 1992"
Or, how about this?
"When I said during my presidential bid that I would only bring Christians and Jews into the government, I hit a firestorm. "What do you mean?" the media challenged me. "You're not going to bring atheists into the government? How dare you maintain that those who believe in the Judeo-Christian values are better qualified to govern America than Hindus and Muslims?" My simple answer is, "Yes, they are."
-- Pat Robertson, The New World Order, p. 218"
And, let's not forget that he also wants to take-out the U.S. State Department with a nuclear device. But, obviously, since he's a "Christian," he can't be a terrorist, right?
Bat shit crazy works for me. The man is a nuiscance. I wish someone would just yank his prejudiced ass off the airways completely. I would rather listen to Howard Stern, whom I despise than Pat on any given day.
ReplyDeletebe well,
Dan, although I have probably only watched Pat Robertson twenty times in my whole life, I can only base my opinions whether sufficiently based or not, on what I know. I say this lightly considering I haven't followed him~ but I doubt he meant for Christians to start a bloody war for principles. I bet, he meant that Christian's may have to defend themselves for their principle's meaning someone else threw the punch. Now, in what some may call loony land,lol the bible does say that Christians will be persecuted in a massive frame during the last days. Maybe, Robertson was making his statement in reference to this. I would have to read the whole article to know. Terrorists kill anyone Dan. You know that. If your argument is that Robertson's values are so important to him that anyone different from his is unworthy to hold office well then, your judgment is an "control" issue and not a murder by numbers game that the terrorists play. I know plenty of Atheists who wouldn't voted for a Christian holding any political position, so how is that any different from a Christian doing the same? Or a Buddhist, or a Muslim, or a..etc., Would you vote for a Christian presidential incumbent or a Muslim? ~Raven
ReplyDeleteWell Dan, I guess I misintepreted your comments earlier. I agree with the fact that "Christianity" has gone way too mainstream in the sense that it's no longer as much about the Almighty God as it has become about the Almighty SELF ... and I imagine I have been guilty of that at some times myself, cuz well, I'm human.
ReplyDeleteMost "Churches" nowadays are going the route of bringing in whomever they can with the contemporary music and arena service "agenda". There is a Church that I used to attend in which the Pastor could bring the whole building to the altar by service end. They nixed him, wanting a more mainstream guy ... a feel good guy. And while I do like the new guy - the third since the ousting of the original- and he is Doctrinally sound, I see what your saying through this example.
It's much the same as a Fallwell or Jackson ... who I often think only get involved in stuff to get their faces smathered all over America ... maybe we can oust them too ... yeah, like THAT will EVER happen .. lol.
I don't disagree with all 'televangelists' but I do generally find the doctrine of those who BEG for money lacking. I really wasn't necessarily disagreeing with you earlier and I even FACT checked myself and found that I may have also been wrong about the timing of the Monster waves .. I couldn't find the article I was looking for and only found one referring to a date in Dec. 2005 ... so I stand corrected on that note as well.
Gee, I dunno, Silverdoe. You claim your reading comprehension is good, but you seem to be putting words in my mouth that don't fit there. I certainly never accused you of offending anyone. As for your comment about freedom of speech, it is silly. It is not impinging upon a person's freedom of speech to tell them to shut the f#@k up unless you in a position of power over them, and able to coerce them to do so. Simply pointing out to someone that their point of view is wrong does not impugn their human rights in any way.
ReplyDeleteIn fact, I consider it to be a human responsibility to point out bullsh!t wherever it is found. As a Christian, you should be very concerned about how Christians as a group are perceived. Evangelicism is a basic tenet of Christianity, so anything that might turn people away from the gospel is bad, and Pat Robertson is certainly one to push fence sitters off on the wrong side of the rail. Right now, the rest of the world looks at the current state of American society in somewhat of a point and laugh way, like we might at a guy in a bar who's trying to pick up a woman and doesn't realise his fly is open. The way your country is being run by the most out to the edge fundamentalist Leviticans makes us nervous, though, because they hate. And people who hate are dangerous. They tend to lash out at anyone, even those who thought they were friends.
As a Christian, you should consider it your responsibility to speak out, loudly and as often as possible against these Leviticans who want to own the way you worship, and reject you if you fail to conform. You need to show the world that Americans are not all complete nutters. As I said, right now, I hear you mention the word God, and all I see is Pat Robertson. Is that really the image of you, you want me to have?
There are Christians who, by word and by act, denounce Mr. Robertson every day. I enjoyed this post and the comments, too. You know, it's only going to get worse; if it isn't P. Robertson, then it'll be someone else. Yes, it is a tremendous insult to watch Bush, Robertson and Falwell, as well as others.
ReplyDeleteOne other thing: According to Pat, "the Lord didn't say nuclear." If he had, do you think he'd have at least pronounced "nuclear" right??
P.S. I have a little story along these lines I'm going to send you.