Monday, January 15, 2007

Reliable Replacement Warhead?

BBQ Gone Bad!
    Hey now! 

    Why didn't I get the memo on this?  Or this

    I mean, here Bush is trying to start building nuclear weapons again while he is telling Iran and North Korea not to?  That sort of takes away pretty much the whole moral high-ground, don't ya think? 

    The Bush administration is eager to start work on a new nuclear warhead with all sorts of admirable qualities: sturdy, reliable and secure from terrorists. To sweeten the deal, officials say that if they can replace the current arsenal with Reliable Replacement Warheads (what could sound more comforting?), they probably will not have to keep so many extra warheads to hedge against technical failure. If you're still not sold, the warhead comes with something of a guarantee — that scientists can build the new bombs without ever testing them.

    Let the buyer beware. While the program has gotten very little attention in the United States, it is a public- relations disaster in the making overseas. Suspicions that America is actually trying to build up its nuclear capabilities are undercutting U.S. arguments for restraining the nuclear appetites of Iran and North Korea. (link)

    In this current global climate, you'd think the last thing the Bush Administration would wish to do would be to provide any more angst to those out there who are already sitting on edge.  Fear does some very odd things to people, you know?  Fear got us into this mess we're in, and compounding that fear, I feel, could only make things worse. 
    I was surprised at how "hush-hush" this whole thing was here in America, and I'm thankful we now have a Congress and Senate which may provide perhaps a bit of oversight to the machinations of the bizarre, secretive group of people we have running our country. 

    Ack!  I'm just cranky.  I know there's a joke in here somewhere. 

    Perhaps, Bush was thinking that we were finally building "new Q lear" weapons which could finally place Texas at the top of the BBQ hierarchy above Memphis and Kansas City. 



  1. Robust Nuclear Earth Penetrator (RNEP)? Sounds scary, yet delightfully kinky. Oh and they say the W76-0Mk4 as well as the good ol' W76-1/Mk4A are obsolete. Already? Guess we'll be seeing them on EBay soon. Look, honey, this one comes with a submarine to launch it from. That sounds like one helluva fish finder!
    Nothing surprises me any more. I'll meet ya at Lake of the Woods for that trip to Canada. --Cin
    P.S. Oh damn, I shouldn't have read this before I'll have nightmares.

  2. Will wonders never cease... unbelievable.  The third week of January 2009 cannot get here fast enough.

    be well,

  3. We could wish there was a joke in there somewhere........scary part is I doubt it. Canada sounds more promising by the moment. Anyone ever think of giving our politicians a psych exam before letting them serve. Lets see bizarre weather conditions, insane presidency, hierachy.......hmmm sound like the end of days?LOL!!  Nah! still not funny huh? Love Ya Indy

  4. It's actually a little known fact, but the warheads will be covered in chocolate frosting and sprinkles. Who won't love that!


  5. Oh goodie, reliable nukes! Well I guess if you guys are getting them it won't be long before phony tony announces he will be buying some of these from his good buddy george to keep us safe here in england

  6. They don't even look nicely phallic.   This is not a good thing.   Not that I got the memo, either.  -- Robin

  7. Every time I've ever seen a picture like that, goosebumps go up my spine. I'm not sure what type of joke can be found in there, so lets just hope the joke isn't on us someday!
