Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Stop Time! Stop Time!

Stop Time!  Stop Time!   
    I love the French.  They make good food, great wine, awesome cheese, and most of all, they are not afraid to stage a First Class protest.  Whether it be unfair labor practices, immigration, or the fact that Napa Valley wine is both cheaper and more popular in France than their domestic product, the French have always been able to embark on the World's Greatest of sign-waving shout-fests. 

    On the other hand, the French are also not afraid to make fun of the French, as this hilarious, little article points out:

    Protest Can't Stop March of Time
    HUNDREDS of French demonstrators saw in the New Year - by holding a protest against it.

    People carrying banners reading "No to 2007" and "Now is better" marched through the streets of Nantes.

    They called on the United Nations to stop the "mad race" of time and declare the indefinite suspension of the future.

    The protest was an attempt to make fun of French people's apparent fondness of saying no to any kind of change and as a different way to "celebrate" New Year.

    When their demonstration failed and the bells sounded the start of 2007, they quickly moved on to the next stage of they campaign - chanting "No to 2008".

    I love the last little bit of this.  I can almost picture a mob of dejected French protesters trudging off into the landscape mumbling their disdain for 2008.  Hilarious! 

    Hopefully, that will catch on here in the States.  Hmmm...  Perhaps, when New Year's Eve rolls around again, I'll try to get a mob to gather around the "Polish Moon" (the largest four-faced clock in the world doncha know) and protest the unstoppable passage of time.  

    Then again, considering 2008 is an election year, I kind of want it to roll around, and I think there are certain folks in our government who are looking for any excuse to stay in power for one more year.  The last thing I'd want is to hear them say "Thanks to this man in Milwaukee, we're going to do 2007 over again."  I really don't think that would help me make any friends, huh?



  1. No please allow 2008 to come... altho I just arrived here in 2007 (no thanks to the damn French) and plan on savoring it for a bit before I think about 2008.  But I am looking forward to the elections...

    love the pic...

    be well,

  2. You love the french!!....you should try having them as neighbours, personally I think the best thing any british government can do is brick up the channel tunnel.

  3. Actually it sounds like wonderful fun!! I'll bet they had a blast celebrating nothing at
    all!! Indigo
