Sunday, October 1, 2006

It's The Coolest Thing Ever!

    I thought I'd take a little time-out from dealing with the Stupid Questions, but I promise the Super-Amazing Finale is in the works, and it should be posted Monday sometime.  Still, though, it does bad things to this brain of mine.  I was making tuna-salad a little while ago, and I didn't really know if I was making tuna salad or chicken salad.  It's madness...

    Anyway, I wanted to take a little break and embark into a bit of geekery to see if I could post a video which I consider to be the Best Thing in the History of the World.  So, here it goes:

    So, if this works, I want to thank Journals' Editor Jeff for providing the clear and concise directions on how to embed YouTube Videos.  Also, this should give you all a sneak peek into what I might be wearing this Halloween (unfortunately, I got my hair cut, so I'm going to need to figure that out). 

     Aside from that, the video can be found here.  I recommend you drink a lot before viewing.  It's freaking hillarious!  But, then again, I've been thinking like Jessica Simpson for quite a while, and there's a pretty good chance I'm damaged.  Badly.  So, let me know what you think. 



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  1. Shaking my head. Hope you had a good weekend.

  2. Does this guy do the Monster Mash too??


  3. Its Pee Wee human in goth........rlol......remember the teacher's voice in all the Charlie Brown cartoons? Yah know that slow drab sound and you can't understand anything she says?.............If feels like authority but you dont know what is going on.....I felt like that watching him.........Its like,,this is not,,,but I couldnt take my eyes off of it because I always assume the radical look has something substantial to say,,,bummer......Do you know what Jessican Simpson and Mariah Carey both have in common? They both are high maintence, daily winers, control freaks that can never be satisfied and most men want them.  This is why I'm single. I dont compete... -Raven

    waiting for wrong three,,,

  4. ROFLMAO!!!!  Still..........ROLFLMAO!   OMG!  That was too funny!

    Please, Dan.. ROFLMAO.......if you wear that outfit at Halloween... you have got to take a picture!  BWAHAHHAHAHAHAHHHAH!!

    Lord.....I cannot stop laughing!

    Hugs and all that stuff

  5. This would have Lou Christie spinning in his grave .... if he was dead.   Tina

  6. You know, there's something almost infinitely sad about that video.

  7. A HAA HAAAAA...Yep, you're damaged (but in a good way). When you dress up for Halloween, don't forget the umbrella. I like that look with umbrella.

  8. Wow... I think drinking may have helped...but that was pretty dang hysterical!  And all I have had is coffee!!

    be well,

  9. OMG.... LMAO... that was way too weird and hillarious! I wasn't drinking but it might be me being under the weather. That guy was kinda


  10. I'm not sure what it says about me but after watching that video I've just ordered the cd from Amazon.
    Okay, so I like weird, what can ya do? - Barry not Bob.
