Thursday, October 12, 2006

Get Your Fingers Out Of Your Ears!

    Egads!  It's been freakishly busy on this end, and between having the house fumigated and having the deaf cat shaved after a (most likely) bad batch of Frontline anti-flea juice, I've just not had the time to really sit myself down and write in this journal.   But, hopefully, the tiny insect menace is now under control, and as soon as I can stop laughing at Deaf Cat and how she went from being a huge bundle of fluffy fur to looking like a cross between a Chihuahua and a French Poodle, I'll try to snap a picture or two and show you the poor beast.  As for Dog Cat, well, I'm not allowed to take him to the groomers no matter how doped up he is.  They fear him.  But, when he visited me this morning, I gave him a quick inspection, and didn't find any bugs on him.  So, hopefully the war has been won. 

     Anyway, that's not why I'm writing today.  The reason I'm writing is because I saw a really funny bumper sticker earlier today, and I just had to post about it.  The bumper sticker read:  "Fish don't walk.  And Jesus still lives." 

     Now, obviously, the whole thing just reminds me of a small child with his or her hands over their ears mumbling "nanana..  I'm not listening!  nanana..."  It would be funny if it just wasn't so counter-productive to advancing ourselves as a species and society.  I have no real problem with a person's individual beliefs, and if you're perfectly happy accepting the Bible as the ultimate truth to Life, the Universe and Everything, that's all well and good for you.  Just don't really expect me to believe as you. 

    Here's the thing:  I've seen fish walk.  In fact, you can find them right here.  Granted, it's not much of a "walk," but it's a manner of transport which is decidedly unfish-like.  It's definitely creepy, but it certainly does a lot to disprove the typical bumper-sticker logic employed by a great many Creationists.  Sure, fish don't have legs, but until a newborn infant with legs springs from the womb to slap on a pair of Nikes and trot off in pursuit of a pick-up game of basketball, creationism just isn't going  to hold water in my book. 

     Now, as for the whole "Jesus still lives" thing, well, how is it possible for someone who apparently died for our sins to live?  Is that the same logic that it's actually somehow possible to "cut and run" from a mission that has been accomplished? 



  1. Oh, I hope Deaf Cat's hair grows back!!!  Please show us pics though... What is Deaf Cat's name, Dan?????

    The bumper sticker... it makes me nuts... ugh.  I just don't see that science and God are at odds and it makes me ill that people think 'creationism' is fact!!!!  

    be well,

  2. All that work.  Tsk.  Tsk.  ......when all you needed was a flea collar for YOU.  

  3. Hey Dawn,

       Deaf Cat's name is Acacia. I didn't name her.  Only old ladies and homosexual men name their cat's Acacia (by the way, Dog Cat's name is Harding, and if you knew him, you'd know that name absolutely fits him to a T).  

       Anyway, yes.  There is room in religion for science, and there is a room in science for religion.  However, there are limits, and those limits should not be crossed by either side.  They are not flexible, arbitrary lines.  Scientists should not cast aside their basic human morality in pursuit of a suitable end to his or her research.  And, religion should not cast aside the glaring reality of a better defined world so as to protect something so simple as the Bible.  Faith in ignorance is one of the truly troubling aspects of religion, though.  Why someone would choose that is beyond me, but I do respect their right to do so.  

    Thanks for the comment,

  4. Actually, while there may be room in religion for science, there isn't room in science for religion. Religion represents the exact opposite mindset of science. Science is about only believing those things that can be demonstrated to be real. Religion is about believing things despite the fact that they cannot be demonstrated to be real.

  5. As for this issue, ignorance is never the right route for anyone of any faith, but neither is it the place of any scientist to make claims that cannot be validated. For every ignorant creationist, I can show you an ignorant scientist. ;)

  6. Paul;

       I suppose I should amend that to read that there is room for faith in the scientist, so long as that faith does not lead the scientist to ignore results which may directly contradict his or her faith.  


       The goal of evolutionary science is not to destroy God or anyone's belief in God.  It simply seeks to discover how we came to be what we are today, and perhaps give us a glimpse into what we may become.  Creationism is simply the willful acceptance that everything is what it is, and that's all we need to know.  I'm sorry, but the very foundations of creationism are based in ignorance.  

       Personally, I'm a big fan of evolution.  If nothing else, it demonstrates the resiliance of man and the tenacity with which we grasp life by showing our ability to adapt and change when it comes to our own survival.  


  7. It's been far too long since I've visited here! Up to your same humorous observations in life I see, perfect, they give me great smiles. Deaf cat shaved, insect menace, fish walking, and Jesus has risen again and is walking the streets?

    I really am out of the loop.

  8. OK...You have inspired write an article....on this...I'm Ready to put Science up for sale at Walt Disney...I think that will be my title...did chuckle of course, cause your hysterical...but there is always another side to critical thinking...-Raven

  9. Charley,
      There are ignorant people in every aspect of our society. That fact does not invalidate, or even vaguely refute my statement. Dan's comment is well phrased. It is possible for a scientist to have a religious faith. However, the moment his faith begins to get in the way of his results, he deserves every bit of derision and ridicule his peers can heap upon him.
      I stand by my original statement. The absolute most basic tenets of religion are anathema to science. The two disciplines espouse exactly opposite creeds.

  10. Well alrighty then.
