Wednesday, October 4, 2006


    Nifty!  Neat!  Super-keen and wonky-wild!  The Twenty-Third edition of CarnivAOL is up, and I recommend heading over there to check out Paul's latest collection of bloggy goodness from the world of AOL and AIM. 

    In other news, I meant to mention all of this yesterday, but I was too busy dealing with whatever cold-flu bug it is that took up residence in my system in search of a nice winter home.  In other words: Ick!

    On top of that, I've been laughing my ass off AT the pathetic mess that is the Congressman Foley scandal.  Don't get me wrong, mind you.  I find Foley's actions not only disgusting, but utterly inexcusable.  What is making me giggle is watching this pathetic fool scramble over the ala-carte menu of threadbare excuses in a daily attempt to ameliorate his guilt and find something upon which to blame his actions and ephebophilia

     First, it was alcoholism (I love the spin on this article, by the way.  Pretty much why I will never write for the Chicago Tribune).  Then, it was the fact that he's gay (like that should make any difference, but I'm certain the homosexual community appreciates his attempt to pin this whole mess on sexual orientation), and now we've gotten to the point where he's blaming it on the fact that he was molested by a priest.  What's next for this pathetic, mewling, little coward?  I mean, he hasn't blamed Clinton yet, has he?

     Aside from that, I'm certain all Americans are overjoyed at the news that a man was arrested for criticizing this administration's actions in Iraq during Dick Cheney's trip to Colorado last summer.  

     Apparently, the man was walking by with his son and told The Dick, "I think your policies in Iraq are reprehensible."  And, as a result of those words, the man was placed in cuffs and hauled off. 

     Well, since we still sort of have a Constitutional right to voice our opinions in this crumbling nation, I'd just like to say that I think Dick Cheney is a worthless, gutless, war-mongering coward, and I also think that his policies in Iraq are not only reprehensible, but they're god damned inhuman and most-likely illegal.  I think that using the innocent citizens of Iraq as human shields makes us no better than or different from the evil dictator whom we were misled to view as a threat.  I think Dick Cheney and George Bush are as evil and greedy as Congressman Foley is pathetic.  I think history will innevitably fillet these pricks, and I think this administration will be viewed as perhaps one of the darkest moments in our nation's young existence. 


FoxNews: Fair, balanced, and mostly untrue!

    I snagged this picture off of BoingBoing.  Anyone care to guess as to whether or not the "Fair and Balanced" folks at Fox News have an agenda or not? 

    I can see Fox getting the facts as to whether or not Foley is a Republican or Democrat mixed up once (maybe twice.  It IS Fox after all), but at least three times?   I think Joe Stalin would have been quite proud of the folks at Fox.  However, here in America, this sort of blatant media bias is a freaking embarrassment. 

    Then again, since I'm here, I should probably point out that Fox News' ratings are tumbling at a ridiculously entertaining rate.       

P.S.    Don't worry.  I still have my sense of humor. 


  1. "What's next for this pathetic, mewling, little coward?" Dan, is this another one of your death sentences? Or will it be Cheney?

  2. Amen!

    I've been meaning to tell you to check out what MY spider did. Its pic #69.


  3. I cannot even discuss that nasty piece of CACA without getting sick!  I read the transcript of his IM convo with that page!  What a major perv!  You are right about him scrambling to try to justify his actions!  What makes it even worse is he is the one that worked so hard trying to pass laws against child exploitation!  

    BTW... I am good with words!  Love them!  I admit I had never heard of the word ephebophilia, so of course I had to go and look it up.  It wasn't in the dictionary.  Could you have misspelled it?  I am curious as to what it means! :)

    Hugs and all that good stuff,

  4. You go Dan!!!!  Here here....   Let's have a drink together before they break down your doors and haul you off for speaking your mind!

    be well,

    ps... shall we toast with nyquil???

  5. Preach it, sister!


  6. For crying out loud, Dan. Where did you get the idea we have a constitutional right to free speech? Do you have a high fever, poor mis-guided soul?
