Saturday, October 7, 2006

Connecting the Avacado.

    I love the Daily Show.  Yes.  It's tremendously critical of our President, and I am happy that they are.  I think we should be critical of our leaders, and I think their actions should ALWAYS be questioned.  It's what makes this country work, and putting our elected representatives in a position where they are expected to explain themselves and their actions is what keeps us from living in a dictatorship where the voices of dissent are silenced. 

    One of my favorite quotes in this ten-minute piece is our President saying: "One of the hardest parts of my job is to connect the war in Iraq to the war on terror." 

    It's absolutely hillarious to watch; however, beneath the satire is a very chilling reality about the effectiveness of our President.  And, if you're among the approximately one-third of Americans who somehow believe this President is doing a good "job," then I don't think you really want to see this.  Everyone else?  Enjoy!


  1. Funny, but oh, so scary! B.

  2. I love Jon, but sometimes, after I am done laughing, I cry.

  3. It was funny... but I agree with tenyearnap...  when I'm done watching something like that,  the reality of it all is just plain sad..


  4. I like Bill Maher better. He had Robbin Williams on last night...hysterical!

  5. Like 'required reading', The Daily Show is 'required watching'.

  6. Hello DP.....Thanks for sharing this. I love the Daily Show. The mistake was George Bush as President in my opinion. I think that we should question our leaders. I may be a young woman and I may not always understand politics but I think that we should question our world leaders. If we don't question them are we not responsible for that ?

    I am glad to know that you agree with me. I think the approval rating of the President should be much much much much much lower perhaps 5% approval rating that's just me. Take care.

  7. What's the connection between the literacy rate of Americans and their subsequent approval or disapproval of the president?

  8. Last night Bill Maher had a wonderful show....

    be well,

  9. Well, Charley, I think a lot of folks see Bush as a fellow Good ol' Boy.  His public speeches have all the oratory flourish of tapioca pudding, and it seems a great many who approve of him enjoy the fact that they aren't intellectually challenged by his words.  


  10. Ok this was hysterically funny....fall down hysterically funny.......and I'm not against the Iraq war just not in favor of how it went down...Saddam is scum of the I cant be totally against taking that wacko out...but, this video was in the top 10 funniest things I've watched this year....

  11. Bush's PR people have not been keeping up on their homework.  I love "the Daily show" humor is based on truth...that's why it's funny.  I live in a town that have already starting taking donations to place a statue of bush at the town hall...okay I am kidding there, but it feels that way sometimes.

  12. Yes, hilarious!  And scary, too!
