Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Here's the Rules...

    Well, today is Partisan Primary Day here in Milwaukee, and, it seems, a lot of people are complaining about the rules of voting.  Apparently, they're quite confusing, so I'll post them here to see if they make any sense to you all:

If you select a "Party Preference" at the top of your ballot:

  • You must still vote for the candidates of that party in order to complete your ballot.
  • Only votes cast for candidates from the selected party preference will be counted from your ballot.  If you vote for a candidate from another party, your ballot will be accepted into the voting machine, but the votes for candidates selected from outside your preferred party will not be counted.

If you do NOT select a "Party Preference" at the top of your ballot:

  • You must still vote for the candidates of only one political party.
  • If you "cross party vote" (vote for candidates from more than one political party), your ballot will be rejected by the voting machine.


    Well, I don't see how they could have made that any more confusing.  I just love the wording of it all.  I mean, it doesn't really seem to me that there's a whole lot of difference between picking a party preference. 



  1. It's simple and they could have said it simpler.  Pick a side and stick with it or else it doesn't count. Politicians and lawyer speak!  They make it all harder than it has to be.

  2. i totally agree wiht what you both said!

  3. They are saying that you can only vote for people you've partied with. If you haven't seen someone drunk and naked and dancing in the rain, then how do you know if they would be good in office? I'd say you Milwaukeans have this political thing all worked out!
