Thursday, September 14, 2006

Better Living Through Chemistry.



   I found these old ads on's section for Vintage Ads.

    I just love it.  Without Thorazine, this old boy's scant inches away from rapping the socks off some unruly whipper-snapper with his trusty cane. 

    Do not agitate the unmedicated senile! 
















    Damn right!  I'm tired of toaster waffles and instant coffee.  Thank you Mornidine®.  You've turned my wife into a mad-cooking zombie whose repressed rage is percolating like the yummy pot of delicious coffee on the stovetop. 

    The thing is, can you imagine some loving hubby taking his over-worked, underpaid, depressed wife to the doctor saying "Gee-willickers Doc.  The missus is so sad all the time.  Could you give her a pill so she can get out of bed bright and early and make me breakfast?  That would be keen!"

     Then again, look at that mountain of bacon she's cooking and that smile on her face.  Someone is going to die soon...  very soon...











    Watch out Canada!  Our pilots are hopped-up, tweaked-out, pill-popping, mallard-hunting maniacs.

     I think that pilot's hand is suffering from the low-level rigormortis that tends to set in after a six-martini lunch. 

   "Look!  I have a free hand!  If only I had a bottle of pills in this hand.  Dammit!  I could be popping amphetamines and attacking Canada!  Yeeeehaaaa!"

    Seriously.  What the hell did Canada ever do to us?  Did I miss a History class or something?  Was there a war?  Who won?

    Oh wait...  I forgot socialised medicine.  And, where there's socialised medicine, there's fistfulls of FREE amphetamines! 










  1. LOL.  Just don't make me wear that nightie thing, kay, and perhaps she's smiling b/c she knows what she put IN that bacon.   Better play it safe -- just eat cheese.  Robin  

  2. Lord have mercy, Dan, where do you find this stuff!? lol  The second one reminds me of a Stepford Wife!  Amazing how they used to sell speed and it was legal! lol


  3. Thanks! This is awesome for my psych classes!

  4. Well, "unruly" wives used to be given hysterectomies. I'm not kidding.

    I think every woman in my wacko neighborhood is on Mornidine. They are soooo f'n perky. (Yes, I am jealous--I want a happily Empty Head, too. All this damn thinking is overrated.)

  5. Thanks for the grins.  I needed it today.

  6. There will always be a love for perky housewives in suburbia.  Also known as Stepford Wives and Desperate Housewives.  I loved your entry today.  I needed the smiles.  Thanks for the crazy pictures.

  7. OH Dan these totally made my day!

  8. LOL... Thank you for that laugh this am.  Of course, the fact that with RA, Lupus and Sjorgren's, I do live better through chemistry makes this ironic and funnier.  If my hubby took me to the doc for Mornadine so I could cook for him, he would be dead with a gun, the bacon would take too long.  But that's just me...

    be well,
