Sunday, September 17, 2006

Hello Sunday!

Happy Sunday!    I just hopped online to send an email through teh intertubes, and I thought I'd drop in here to see how everyone's Sunday is going along so far.  Good?  Not so good?   Are the Huns knocking on your door asking to borrow a cup of sugar and your first born child?

    Things here are pretty nifty, I suppose.  I'm just getting all settled in to watch my underdog Green Bay Packers upset the Powerhouse New Orleans Saints (Yes.  The 'aints are favored at Lambeau!  Eeeegads!  This is indeed a bizarre world, and everything just seems upside-down.  So, to quote Lloyd Bridges in Airplane: "It looks like I picked the wrong week to quit drinking").   

    Anyway, Paul did a meme that led me to realize that either he watches too much TV, or I don't watch nearly enough.  However, I think everyone should take advantage of NAFTA and head over there to swipe it from him before Canada closes its border and we're all forced to drink domestic beer. 

    Aside from that, Jackie of Hope Floats has created a flotilla of categories over at Vivi Award Central where you can nominate your favorite journals for this much-coveted award.  So far, it seems like it will be a lot of fun, and if nothing else, there are already a great many well-written journals to read. 

     So, I hope you all have yourselves a wonderful Sunday, and good luck with those pesky Huns. 



  1. I'm watching my Dolphins -- who will probably get their butts kicked by Buffalo. Everyone kicks the Dolphins butts.
    You aren't allowed to give up drinking during football season! It's against the rules of football fans everywhere! You have to have cold beer to go with the games. You didn't go on a diet and give up chicken wings too did you?!!
    Martha :-)

  2. Definitely after the Bears shut the Packers out! Hee Hee!

  3. Hi,

    No Huns here... but I just wanted to say that I love Brett and I am so very very sad that it looks like his days are done.  :(  The last few years I felt like even 70% of Brett was good enough... I guess now maybe, the percentage is dipping too low.  I hope they keep him to work with a new QB.

    No canadian beer...shut your mouth.

    Have I told you lately how much I LOVE your journal???

    be well,

  4. We ARE the neighborhood Huns.

  5. I see YOU have been nominated a few times, my friend! :)  For the life of me I can't see why! <wink wink>

    Thank for pimping the VIVI Journal!!

