Sunday, November 11, 2007

[The Wisdom of a Distracted Mind] Is Our Childrens Learnin'?

Now, before I go to zonk out, I just had to share this latest bit of lunacy from one of America's (ahem) "scholars," Dinesh D'Souza:
The Great Flat-Earth Myth
Posted Nov 11th 2007 10:46PM by Dinesh D'Souza
Filed under: Christianity, History, Controversy, Atheism

Have you heard the one about how the dumb, ignorant Christians for centuries regarded the earth as flat until brilliant scientists like Galileo came along with their new telescopes and other inventions to show that it is round? This account of scientific progress can be found in textbooks and it has also cemented itself in the popular mind.

The only problem with the story is that it is entirely false. It is a made-up yarn that is supposed to illustrate the so-called war between science and religion.

Is the gun loaded, Dinesh?


Is it pointed squarely at your foot?


Then why don't you just go ahead and pull that trigger by saying that Galileo proved the world was round as opposed to using the historical truth in your argument? After all, Galileo actually proved the Copernican model of heliocentrism, in that the earth orbits the sun, which subsequently lead to his imprisonment and excommunication by your beloved dumb, ignorant Christians. He had nothing to do with proving the world round or flat.

Now, since I'm dead tired and laughing too damn hard at AOL's Newsflunky to type, I'll just send you to the Wikipedia page for Galileo's Astronomy contributions. And, here's a bit of information about his punishment.

Seriously, though, if prattling simpletons like Dinesh D'Souza are supposed to be seen as respected members of right-wing, Christian academia, you'd think they'd have a working fucking knowledge of the History of their religion.

Gyaagh! The stupid, it burns!


Posted By Dan to The Wisdom of a Distracted Mind at 11/11/2007 10:53:00 PM

1 comment:

  1. Shoot him, incase he don't aim for his foot.
