Thursday, November 8, 2007

[The Wisdom of a Distracted Mind] Go to the Highlands... Drink Scotch, My Fri...

Now, this blog has an inordinately large number of readers from the United Kingdom. I like that. It's a part of the world which has always appealed to me. There's such charm to the English, and when they want to throw their things into a more classy gear, they certainly do it up right to the point of making a P-Diddy bash look like a frat-house toga party.

That said, I'd be remiss to all my UK readers if I didn't mention that apparently there's a big freakin' wave barreling out of the North Sea and headed for the East and North English coastal areas. It's pretty serious.
North Sea surge brings flood risk
Last Updated: Friday, 9 November 2007, 01:40 GMT

A storm in the North Sea has left Britain and the Netherlands, facing the worst flood threat in decades with tidal surges predicted early on Friday.

Flood defences have been put on alert on the entire Dutch coast and flood warnings are in place for the eastern and northern coasts of Britain. A tidal wave in 1953 killed more than 2,000 people in both countries. (Full Story)
See? Cardiff doesn't look that bad now, does it? It's like Vegas without all the lights, hookers, Celine Dion, dust and umm... air.

Seriously though. I'm worried about you guys, so if any of you are in the warning area, or if you know someone who is, please know my thoughts are with you all. And, if it helps, I have a mop. Let me know if you need to borrow it, okay?

(And remember, Gaz: Trunks optional!)

Good luck, and let me know how things turned out for you.


Posted By Dan to The Wisdom of a Distracted Mind at 11/08/2007 07:41:00 PM


  1. Hi Dan, I'm in the midlands so luckily I was well away from the at risk area's but apparently the threat has diminished somewhat although some people have obviously suffered. It seems to be getting a habit of the UK experiencing floods ove rthe last few years....some people believe it has something to do with global warming!! Have a great weekend

  2. We survived Dan........... No problems mate! Glad to know you are thinking of us.
