Thursday, February 8, 2007

Life in Limbo...

    Just one more day to go...

    Tomorrow morning, bright and early, I have to go for another infusion of the stuff which is supposed to make things not hurt so wickedly for the next eight weeks. 

    It's kind of weird how, without so much as even glancing at the calendar, I can tell when this Remicade stuff is leaving my system, and I am due for another dose.  And, well, with this annoyingly pointless cold weather we've been having lately, this past week has just been a painful, little dance through the lifeless, gray purgatory of a typical Wisconsin winter.  But, the beer is cheap here, and the furnace works, so it all works out, huh?
    Seriously, there just isn't a damn thing to do in Milwaukee around this time of year.  We've gotten to the point where we huddle around the fire in our respective caves and sacrifice our brain cells and sanity to the angry sun gods who always seem to abandon us when we need them most. 

    On the plus side, however, with nothing much going on, I can actually take advantage of this.  Yes.  There's nothing better to pass the time than sitting and watching a cheese age.   Hooray, cheese!

(update)    I just saw Cheddarvision "plugged" on Keith Olberman's show.  Of course, he was funnier about it than I, but, you know, I take my cheese damn seriously.  You hear me Olberman?  Don't screw with the wheel of cheese!  If you pick on the cheese, the terrorists win. 


  1. Darnit...don't make me hit links like that. I watched it until my computer battery went out on me. I couldn't take my eyes off that cheese. Watching cheese age is high excitement when you live in Utah, bro. I'm powering up the 'puter for another look-see.--XOXO, Cin

  2. And here I was hoping you'd be doing the limbo on some warm exotic beach with warm sand, leaning back to limbo under a long stick being held on either end with native Hawaiian women with flowery leis, beverage in your hand.  At least, I think you'd enjoy that limbo life better.  :)
    -- Robin

  3. OMG... only a Wisconsonite would know there was an online place to watch cheese age!  LOL

    I am so glad for you that tomorrow is infusion day!  Yay Remicade!  We are hibernating here in NJ, too.  Dang, it is cold.  But, not as cold as you all.  It sucks to be in pain... I relate... and I am so happy that relief is tomorrow for you!  

    be well,

  4. No WAY Olberman is funnier than you, Dan.  Never happen.

    be well,

  5. Oh sweetie, figures I missed this post. (Thinking of literally taking an axe to AOL)
    Hope your doing better now that you have your infusion. I have achy, achy hands so I can kinda relate. Never did answer my question on having someone to talk to while you get your infusion, would they let someone come in with you? I'm beginning to learn LMAO!! Not to push every link you present to us!! OMG!! A site watching cheese age.....there are some serious lonely, bored people out there.
    (Hugs) Love Ya Indigo

  6. I'm not sure if my heart could take watching cheese age.  I hope your infusion has kicked in and you're all fixed up for a while.  My neuropathy is moving into my fingers and the cold weather is killer (and I don't mean that in a good way.)
    Take care and feel well.
