Saturday, June 2, 2007

Fun With Kids...

    Yep.  It's Saturday.

    There's really not much going on here.  My brother (#5) is dropping in with his wife and kids to shake things up, and I'm certain I'll be saying things like "no..  no...  Put that down.  That cat has sharp claws and he really doesn't like having his head sat upon."

    Eventually, I am sure I'll just give in and fill their little hands with paper-clips and point them toward all the wonderful electrical outlets in the house as we play a little game I like to call "circuit-breaker roulette."



  1. I have a large cactus in my house and my friends child insisted on pretending to smack it, I kept saying 'don't, if you do, you will hurt yourself' in the end I gave up as he whacked that cactus as hard as he could............. HEHEHAHAHAHEHEH, TUFF SHIT KID, YOU WERE WARNED! ;-)

  2. My 2 year old grandson likes to drag the neighbor's cat across the yard by the tail.
    Running after him. telling him to stop, makes him think its a game!
    Funny thing...the cat doesnt seem to mind...

    ~Terry Ü

  3. Wow...years ago I could have used that game on a few kids I knew LOL! Good one Dan!

  4. Or you might also find it effective to send them all home with noisy toys and a year's supply of batteries. :)

  5. hah! my boys would ask for a screw driver and have that whole outlet taken apart.  We have a mean game of army men going on in our house this nice Saturday afternoon-I could send them there is you feel the need for more kids!!

  6. Hope you ( and the kids ) survived the day.   I've got a nasty cat residing in my house, and it eats small children.  Actually, just takes a few bites out of 'em.  That usually keeps 'em in line.   Tina

  7. You are full of crap... I can tell... you are a wonderful FUN uncle!!!

    be well,

  8. Good game, I must try it with my brother's kids. B.

  9. My kid knows how to make "grenades" and blow holes in your yard. I'm sending him over. --Cin

  10. My brothers threw darts & missed so their blinds had holes, they had 31 spit balls on the ceiling, friends of ours son was tearing the wall paper off the walls, one neighbor of our friends turned the garden hose on in their living room....gee you got a lot to top.

  11. Oh when I was a kid my sister tried to dump me down the laundry shute...luckily I got caught up in the sheets. I mixed downey, tide, clorox & kool aid together on the linelum(sp) floor. My grandma found a dead gerbil in the pile of dirty laundry & screamed! Ha!
