Friday, August 1, 2008

[The Wisdom of a Distracted Mind] The Individually Wrapped Slice of Processed...

Now, Rupert Murdoch has gotten to be ridiculously pathetic in his attack on Barack Obama. I mean, first, there's the incessant stupidity of the witless dolts at Fox "News" who damn near trip over themselves in an attempt to see who can make a bigger imbecile out of themselves, and now, The Wall Street Journal has entered the forray of feebleness with this latest yawning mass of burning stupid:

Too Fit to Be President?
Facing an Overweight Electorate,
Barack Obama Might Find
Low Body Fat a Drawback By AMY CHOZICK
August 1, 2008; Page W1

Speaking to donors at a San Diego fund-raiser last month, Barack Obama reassured the crowd that he wouldn't give in to Republican tactics to throw his candidacy off track.

"Listen, I'm skinny but I'm tough," Sen. Obama said.

But in a nation in which 66% of the voting-age population is overweight and 32% is obese, could Sen. Obama's skinniness be a liability?
(The Full Stoopid)

Amy Choznick belched it out, and The Wall Street Urinal actually printed this little tidbit of gleaming stupidity. And hey, look! It's got the typical Fox tactic of just slapping a question mark on the end of their vapid outburst, and voila! It's now a "real" concern.

Even though it goddamned well isn't a concern to anyone other than the tiny squeakings inside the mind of the article's writer and editor.

For example, I could write: Amy Choznick, a gutter-crawling, urine-soaked crack-whore? Or, Rupert Murdoch, a drug-fueled, brain-damaged, diaper-muncher?

I like it. I could get a job at Fox "Newz" or the WSJ. The thing is, I'd slit my freakin' wrists if I had to scribble out such journalistic, partisan pablum for that collection of tabloid nits. Seriously, man. I'd rather live in a refrigerator crate beneath a bridge and write cereal box copy than sell-out and work for those goobers.

The sad thing is, there are people out there who actually take the state-issued propaganda packages "talking points" broadcast on Fox and printed in the WSJ (the ones illegally issued by the Bush White House) and they believe them. Someone will actually believe that there are people out there thinking, "Well, I'm kind of fat, so it's probably best I vote for McCain. That must make sense somehow."

Gyaagh! It's mind-boggling how freakin' dumb this country is.


Posted By Dan to The Wisdom of a Distracted Mind at 8/01/2008 06:32:00 AM


  1. It would be funny if it wasn't so scary. And telling you to "rest easy because the mind-boggling dummies are not just in the States. They're definitely in the UK too, and quite probably in every other so called civilized thinking country," just doesn't sound as comforting as I first thought.

    I think maybe the flower in your pic has been reading those same headlines.


  2. Hello from California! I haven't been reading much while I'm on vacation, but had to comment on this one.

    Not only is the guy too skinny, I think he might just be too damned SMART! Who does he think he is, getting his trim physique and intellect all up in our grills? Doesn't he know it makes us feel inferior?


