Sunday, September 2, 2007

[The Wisdom of a Distracted Mind] Can't Say I'm Surprised...

I do like "Doonesbury," but I don't read the comics all that often. Still, this one got me thinking:

(click for the embiggened version)

Let's see... 70% of a nine-trillion dollar national debt is the result of just three Republican presidents (Reagan the Dumb, Bush the Dumber & Bush the Dumbest).

Yes... yes... I know. Clinton got a blowjob, and that nullifies everything apparently. Still, I think with this crisis, we need a Constitutional Amendment which states that whenever a president balances the budget and erases the national debt, that president deserves any kind of sex he or she damn well pleases without any sort of judgment or public scorn whatsoever.

Posted By Dan to The Wisdom of a Distracted Mind at 9/02/2007 08:26:00 AM

1 comment:

  1. Totally! Makes me always wonder why Bush spends so much time on that Ranch!
