Tuesday, December 19, 2006


    Hmm...  I keep having problems with AOL signing me out every time I try to post an entry.  Odd.

    Hopefully, the glitch is on my end since I'm feeling kind of stupid at the moment.  I was literally up all night with DogCat who came home yesterday with a wound on his paw, and I had to keep him inside to give him antibiotics and (get this) soak his wounded foot in a bowl of warm, soapy water. 

    Not a good idea to do that with a very large cat who's got some tremendously sharp claws. 

    On the other hand, DogCat on tranquilizers and a laser pointer is kind of fun. 

    Anyway, the latest release of AOL Journals is out, and I can see we are now able to easily tag our posts.  I'm sure Joe and Stephanie will have a lot to say about this.  However, If you haven't tinkered around with Technorati, you really should.  I think tagging is a great way to get AOL Journals out there into the greater blogosphere.  Plus, since I'm having brain troubles this morning from not being able to sleep for 24+ hours, clicking and drooling is about all I'm pretty much capable of at this point. 

    So, slap some tags onto your journals, and let me know.  Sometimes it's a great time-waster just clicking on those things to see who's saying what.  Right now, though, I'm off to crash. 



  1. Oh my gosh where is my head in here? I had no idea this was going on! The tags I mean. I want to jump on the wagon. Better to be on the wagon then off;P

  2. So, tags are links?  Sort of?   You're making me go to yours to find out, eh?  I do NOT envy soaking a, um, gregarious cat's paws in warm, soapy water.   Nope.   Not even for my cats who LIKE water.   -- Robin

  3. I don't know how to tag...

    Give DogCat kisses for me... poor baby!

    be well,
