Wednesday, March 1, 2006

I Guess We Really Are Stupid.


     I saw this story on the news today, and it made me gape at my television like a stunned fish.

     "Characters From 'The Simpsons' More Well Known to Americans Than Their First Amendment Freedoms, Survey Finds"


      Now, I'm not saying that people should know every single tidbit contained in the Bill of Rights, but let's use a little common sense, folks!  Take a look at some of the following excerpts from the article:

     "Ironically, more than one-third of Americans (38 percent) incorrectly believe that the right against self-incrimination at trial -- commonly called "taking the 5th Amendment" because that is its source -- is a right granted by the First Amendment."

      Okay.  I s'pose that's not tremendously bad, is it?  I mean, when I say that I plead the Fifth, what I really mean is...  umm...  well... Oh, forget it! 

       There's much more too:

     "About one in five Americans (21 percent) agreed that the First Amendment granted them the right to own and raise pets, something that isn't discussed anywhere in the U.S. Constitution or Bill of Rights."

      Yeah.  That makes sense.  Somewhere?  

      And now, my personal favorite (you'll love this one):

     "One in five also believe that the right to drive is guaranteed by the First Amendment, although the car was not invented for another 100 years."

     ONE in FIVE?!?!  Jeeze!  Just how bad IS the crack problem in this country if twenty-one percent of Americans think this way? 

     On the other hand, in defense of my fellow Americans, I agree with John Scalzi when he says, "However, perhaps people aren't really to blame: The Bill of Rights isn't on TV twice a day, like The Simpsons is."

     But still, the "Right to Drive?!?" 

     Oh well, this sort of thing has me counting all the Canadian currency that's mistakenly found its way into my pockets over the years, learn the metric system, and take off to the "Great White North."  I'm not sure, but I think I also have the "Right to Drive" up there, don't I? 

See ya,





  1. I was wondering why that guy kept asking me all of those questions. I had no idea my answers would make it into a newspaper! Awesome, can I have a copy for my mom?
    My right to drive comment was taken out of context I believe.

  2. lol! yeah I saaw that on the news and John had jsut done a blurb on it.
    The thing is: we need to transform our deucational system into a more technologically smart system huh..duh! lol natalie
