Friday, September 5, 2008

[The Wisdom of a Distracted Mind] Ouch...

Got an itch.

Today is "Shot Day," and I can pretty much tell that I am due. We had the remnants of Gustav creep through here yesterday to dump an entire summer's worth of much-needed rain on us over the course of 24 hours.

Nonetheless --and not to complain too much since I'm pretty sure everyone's sick of that by this point-- that whole damp stuff mingled with the cooler weather, and my knuckles and joints are kind of in rough and achy shape.

Don't worry, though. It's not too bad. But, it is annoying, and it sometimes knocks me into a bit of a funk.

In other news, I must have really been crashed last night as I had one of those coma-sleeps that are just so wonderful.

Unfortunately, before I went to bed last night, I let DogCat in the house, and I figured he'd just wake me up like he usually does on those odd moments when he comes in late at night to grab a snack and a nap. Normally, he just barges into my bedroom, grumbles and groans and whines at the foot of my bed, and I wake up, wobble downstairs, open the door and release him into the wild.

The thing is, I was so wildly conked out last night that I didn't hear him. He must've really tried hard to wake me up since, not only was the bedroom door flung wide open, most of the stuff that was atop my dresser was on the floor, and the lamp I keep on the nightstand was in bed with me this morning.

I'll tell you. It's a little weird waking to that sort of thing. I mean, I've rolled over and seen some strange faces first thing in the morning, but a freakin' lamp?

You know it's going to be a really weird day when you see that.

After that, it was the usual taks of getting downstairs, letting the cat out and spending the next several minutes picking cat food kibble out of the bottoms of my feet while waiting for my coffee maker to do its thing.

I was a little ticked off about that at the time, but, in retrospect, I kind of find my cat's tantrums to be pretty damn funny, and it's hard not to laugh at the image of a pissed off cat smacking the crap out of a bowl of cat chow for no other reason than the fact that he just can't work things like doorknobs and whatnots.

Anyway, that's my morning. How are you?


Posted By Dan to The Wisdom of a Distracted Mind at 9/05/2008 10:53:00 AM


  1. The whole lack of opposable thumbs gives our cats their "sweet" dispositions :o)  The picture of a cat smacking the bowl is funny.

  2. Rather the cat food than cat..gack (otherwise known as slime hairballs) to step into in the morning. I swear my cats can hack one up on will, just to see if I'll step in it. (Hugs)Indigo

  3. My Indie (Independence) has learned how to knock off the lids to the metal containers that keep their dry food.  Oh, how fun.........  for them.  They don't typically knock lamps into the bed, however.  Over, sure, onto the floor, sure, but not for me to have as a sleeping partner.  That'd freak me some, too.

    I really like this photo.

    Hope your pain improves after your shot:)

    Marylands shores expect to get TONS of "severe" rain tonight and all day tomorrow.  Secure the boats time, but thankfully not full-force hurricane.  In retrospect, I suppose it's good the tire blew this morning, and not tomorrow morning.

  4. Wow, don't mess with the Dogcat! I'm surprised he didn't whap you in the face a few times.


  5. I love the pic! You could make that into a print & sell! I'd buy it! I have a wood frame that would be barn wood! You could win some contests with that one!

    OMG...I'm crying from laughing! Are you sure you didn't have a wild night & that is why all that is like that & why you were so knocked out? Maybe you just don't remember! ;-)

    That cat is going to piss on you soon to wake you up! Or put those claws into something that is sure to wake you!

    I was driving in Gustav with all the morons! OMG it was horrible all day! Our geese love it too. They were having fun in all the puddles in the grass!

  6. If Sarah Palin was about, this duck would have a bullet through it's skull by now!
    Gaz ;-)
