Friday, September 12, 2008

[The Wisdom of a Distracted Mind] Blur...

Hello friends, Romans, countrymen...

No, I'm not sure why Romans should get special mention, but I like Rome. So, it's not a bad thing. Any city where people are encouraged to eat and drink until they die is certainly this particular glutton's kinda town. So, Romans? You'll always have a special place in this cold lump I call a heart.

Anyway, today there is just too much pain, and writing is very hard for me; so here's a picture for you to contemplate:

Pretty strange place for a sewer. On my hike yesterday through what was once farmland and a small community of houses, I saw this, and had to puzzle over it for a while. (By the way, as it turns out, I was talking to my mom last night, and I found out that my parents thought about buying a massive Dutch-colonial house in this area before I was born, but, apparently, my father took one look at the cliffs, took another look at his children, and realized that his tax deductions would be in near-constant state of flux considering his kids are borderline adrenaline junkies, and those cliffs are pretty damn inviting.)

Anyway, this manhole is just here... in the middle of a field. There's nothing around --no phone, no lights, no motor-cars. Not a single luxury (sorry. I'm freakin' fracked on Vicodin, and opiates tend to turn me into a drooler with a Gilligan's Island kink).

The first thing I thought of when I saw this was, if I ever find myself homeless, I think this sewer would be a perfect place to live. After all, a hovel in the country sure beats a box beneath a bridge, and we all know I really do yearn for a placid, bucolic existence. There could be nature right outside my front door cast-iron lid, and at night, I can see stars and dream of a toilet or furnace. But, I digress...

Right now, I am not in a very good mood. I'm trying to find a better mood, but it's a gray, gloomy day here and something is kicking off the aches and pains. I do know that the transition into fall, although usually very beautiful and easy on the eyes, is going to once again be a series of torturous and painful strides until I inevitably become acclimated to the new season. I'd like to say that after all this time I'm used to it, but it really is an impossible thing to get used to. I'll do my best not to whine or bore you with my tiny miseries. The thing is, this is my blog, and it will forever be an outlet for my angst, my joy, my sadness, and whatever else inspires me and trundles through my heart and mind when I sit down to compose and create. Unfortunately, lately, these aches are just pissing me right the fuck off.


Posted By Dan to The Wisdom of a Distracted Mind at 9/12/2008 10:45:00 AM


  1. Hey, I like your new digs! Ha! Get it? "Digs?"


    Hope things settle down for you soon.

    See ya at the Vomitorium!


  2. I'm thinking portal, or, well, worth of exploration, anyway.  Preferably by you or someone else who can write cool things about it and not by, say, me, personally, in case it's not exactly safe or sanitary in there.........  I don't think it'd be any warmer there come fall, btw.  And, here's to less painful moments for you, hopefully.  

  3. Hey Fellow countryman: Are you serious about your new found digs? Gosh, it would awfully damp and cold within!
    Are you in such pain that you have arrived at this stage? I know your present meds is short term. Hey, don't get too, too, too homeless, it's a bitch of a life.


  4. The military knows....probably hiding the aliens or it is Bush's escape place...hey...OSMA! HA!

    Oh I stress fracture & toe is hurting more this week with all the rain & even my  other toe with the chip is bothering me today right through the ES Tylenol. Don't you think we should be test subjects on effectiveness of pain meds! HA! Maybe they would pay us! Ha!

    Put some comedies in the VCR! Learn something new on the internet or good day to write complaint letters! HA! Except that hands hurt but attitude wise. HA!

  5. Hope you do not find yourself homeless, that would be a stinky place to live :o)

  6. This is like an episode of lost! I look forward to seeing you on the show.
    Gaz ;-)

  7. Whine all you like Dan, it's your place. But I don't think you could ever be boring.

    Hope the pains ease for soon.

